“Part psychic vision, part energy support, part compassionate counsel.”

As a New Paradigm Healer and Teacher, I am here to support the return of the Divine Feminine Consciousness and the rise of all Goddesses - including you - fully to Planet Earth. This is sacred, powerful, transformative work that is also practical, playful and grounded.

As a key part of the shift into this New Paradigm, I support women to heal their relationship to the Earth and with their bodies at a fundamental and functional level.

I have a rare gift for bringing lightness, courage, compassion and a rebellious sense of humor into the wild journey known as awakening and ascension. In doing so, I empower others like you to alchemize your core wounds into your Soul’s gold and the fuel for awakening your greatest spiritual gifts and so much more …


I had my first profound spiritual awakening at 19.

It happened the day my family lost my brother, Chris, to osteosarcoma, a form of bone cancer that had metastasized to his lungs. 

He was 16 when he died and such a bright light. He was one of my soul mates and best friends; then, suddenly, he was gone. Watching him — a healthy, brilliant, funny young man — succumb to terminal cancer broke my heart into a million fragments… and yet, it broke me wide open to Spirit. 

I had always been a sensitive, empathic child, but I had shut my gifts down because it was terrifying to be that psychic and wide open without the emotional intelligence to understand the complexity of what I could perceive. 

I was with Chris when he died. As he left his body, I could track his Soul in the room. I viscerally knew from that experience that when we die, we live on. And that forever changed me.

Grief was the gateway to the greatest spiritual awakening of my life.

This began me on a profound spiritual journey that has included many mystical awakenings as my psychic gifts have come back online. 

My deep love for Chris was the motivation I needed to open back up to Source Consciousness. Chris was my spirit guide “training wheels;” knowing his energy in human form helped me to identify him in spirit form. I learned to communicate with him on the other side in ways that were humorous and healing to my grieving heart.

Over many years, I grew into who I am now: a crystal-clear channel who can communicate with ancestors, Archangels, Ascended Masters, plant spirits and other loving guides across dimensions. 

It happened one guide and dimension at a time so that I could learn to grasp their unique frequencies. The years-long process was necessary to upgrade my nervous system to handle energy coming from 5D and beyond. 

Throughout it all, I was only ever given what the Goddess knew I could truly handle, even when I was exhausted by all that was being asked of me and I worried the intensity of my ascension path would never end.

The powers of the flowers saved my life. At a pivotal point in my journey, I was led to flower essence therapy.

My wise soul knew I could benefit from womb-clearing support, especially to heal the effects of date rape and emotional abuse, which manifested as repressed rage, poor boundaries and low self-worth. The biggest gift flower essence medicine gave me was helping me finally feel safe and at home in my body.

After witnessing the miraculous healing of flower essence therapy in my life, I was inspired to train with a number of brilliant herbalists and flower essence practitioners. 

Flash forward to today, and flower essence therapy has become a cornerstone of my own personal healing and my professional healing practice.

Leaving academia was one of the scariest and wisest decisions I’ve made.

In 2017, I left a doctorate program in Clinical + Depth Psychology and began Jana Carrey Healing. I had a major realization that I was here as a wayshower to offer the world greater healing, in a brand new way. In my heart I realized staying in academia (chasing one certification and graduate degree after another) was the old paradigm way of offering therapy and healing - and that it would only lead me into greater suffering and debt.

I made the courageous choice to follow my highest wisdom to mentor, teach and guide beautiful Souls like you during this intense time of global awakening + ascension.

My intention is to always lead by example, to serve as a perfectly imperfect model for what living in alignment with the true nourishment of your Soul looks like. It’s not all rainbows and unicorns, but it’s deeply fulfilling. I am here to help you also live as an embodiment of your Soul and lead from love.



I’ve guided thousands of people on their awakening, healing and embodiment journeys.

I serve a global clientele and help people from very diverse backgrounds - and across all walks of life - to navigate their spiritual awakenings and heal at the deepest level.

As an oracular channel, I translate higher consciousness and multidimensional wisdom into practical guidance that supports your life. 

Many of my clients are professional and powerful intuitives, therapists, coaches and healers themselves. They require and deserve a high level of integrity, embodiment and expertise.

That is why they choose to work with me as an advanced practitioner and Master Intuitive Healer in my own right. 

I am here as an empowering mentor who will meet you exactly where you are with balanced doses of loving kindness, timeless wisdom and cheeky humor. 


  • Trauma-informed healing: Helping you feel safe in your body and at home on the Earth after surviving - both big T and little t - traumas, whether emotional, physical, sexual, psychological or even trauma from a past-parallel life.

  • Life transitions: Midwifing people through cycles of death and rebirth, which include career changes, breakups + divorce, stepping into motherhood, the death of a loved one and birthing a new business.

  • Empowering Empaths: Mentoring highly sensitive people + heart centered healers to reclaim your own sensitivities as superpowers, enhancing your intuitive gifts and remembering that you are here to serve as a new paradigm leader.

  • Embodied Ascension: Reclaiming the power hidden in your wounds and learning to embrace your darkness in order to live as a Whole + Holy Human. Learning to lead your life from love - as a sovereign soul, rather than as a conditioned ego.

  • Intergenerational sovereignty: Working with multiple generations of a family to heal and empower all individuals — even ancestors.

Beyond my work as a one-on-one intuitive mentor, I am a Divine Feminine Leader. I organize sacred ceremonies, teach transformational workshops + embodied educational courses, write and speak publicly. I am a devoted spokeswoman for the Goddess and for Gaia, including the flower and the plant spirits. All whom are eager to share their ancient, eternal wisdom with modern humans during these intense + alchemical times.


Let me introduce you to my friends on high: the EL

Everything I do as part of my Soul Work is in connection and co-creation with my multidimensional team of Spirit Guides, my Council of Light, whom I affectionately call “the EL,” our abbreviation for “eternal love”.

The EL show up both as a collective group consciousness as well as individual guides who have unique personalities just like you and me. They include Ascended Masters, Archangels, Elemental Earth Guardians, Goddesses, Star beings, Spirit Animals and more. 

Some, like Goddess Isis and Quetzalcoatl, are fierce and demanding teachers. Others, like Quan Yin, Yeshua and Mother Mary, are more gentle in their empowering approach. 

The EL are unconditionally loving and entertain me with their amazing sense of humor that reminds me every day to “en-lighten up.”

The EL have been my greatest teachers and champions along my ascension journey, and I am so excited to share them with you.



Some fun things you might not know about me

My full name is Jana Kristine Carrey. My first name, Jana, rhymes with banana. (Hooked on mnemonics worked for me!) I identify as she/her. 

I was born on the Summer Solstice, the Cusp of Magick and the longest, brightest day of the year. In Western Astrology, I am a Gemini Sun, Aquarius Moon, Scorpio Rising, Cancer in Venus, North Node in Leo, South Node in Aquarius. 

I am a shapeshifter and a bridge between paradoxes and paradigms. For example, I have a side of me who cherishes meditative solitude and a side who loves an energizing dance party.

As a music lover, I am forever exploring artists and music from around the world. Deep, funky house and remixed disco always move my soul.

After traveling and living in many corners of the globe, from San Francisco to Panajachel, Guatemala to Manchester, U.K., I have been called back to my hometown of Santa Monica, California.

I enjoy a balanced lifestyle to preserve the health of my body and the planet. I couldn’t live without jasmine pearl green tea. And I believe most things are best in moderation, except dark chocolate.

Some things I have loved since early childhood include adventures to new places, dancing, creating art (I was a professional photographer for 10 years), collecting sacred objects to make altars, interpreting dreams, tuning into the moon and stars, having deep soul chats and laughing over life's absurdities with beloved friends.

I love comedic improv and have been guided to study improvisational theater at various points on my path. Aside from being so much fun, it greatly supports my work as an intuitive channel and helps me harness the healing power of laughter for my clients.

Other life paths I think would be wildly fun to explore are working as a performance artist, a DJ or an Icelandic rock star. (Shout out to Bjork!)

Training + Credentials

My trainings cover a variety healing modalities: oracular channeling, High Priestess activations, flower essence therapy, clinical and depth psychology, expressive arts therapy and somatic healing, quantum energy work (both hands-on and distance), plant spirit medicine, shamanic tracking, dream work, creativity coaching and community-based arts education focused on social justice.

Over the past 20+ years, I have trained with many intuitive channels, shamans, medicine women and spiritual teachers of the highest integrity. I have worked with immense dedication and focus to heal from grief, fear, rape, depression and lifetimes of past persecution. 

My multidisciplinary background also includes professional photography, design studio management, and research in visual anthropology and ethnography. My undergraduate research in social psychology has been published in prestigious academic journals. My photographic artwork has been exhibited around the world, including at the California Institute of Integral Studies and at Photomonth: East London Photography Festival.





· Woman Rising Flower Essence Collective 
· Flower Essence Society Practitioner Program
· Delta Gardens Practitioner Program
· Hay House Authorpreneur + Writers Community Membership


M.A. in Visual Anthropology, Honors, Visual Culture and Media Pathway, University of Manchester

B.A. in Psychology, Magna Cum Laude + Distinction in Psychology, Minor in Anthropology and Photography, University of Pennsylvania


· Doctoral Level (PhD) Clinical + Depth Psychology Training| Pacifica Graduate Institute
· Flower Essence Practitioner Certification |
Woman Rising Mystery School
· Reiki I + II Certifications |
Usui System of Natural Healing
· Access Bars (Energy Healing) Certification |
Access Consciousness
· Counseling + Expressive Art Therapy Training | California Institute of Integral Studies
· National Art Educator Professional Development Award + Training | The Arts Council England
· Marion Woodman Scholarship |
Coming Home to the Body: The Legacy of Marion Woodman Conference
· Silver, Gold + Diamond Priestess Pathway Certifications | Private Training with Sophie Bashford
· Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness Leadership Program | Group Training with Kaia Ra


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