BE AT PEACE: March 2019 Mercury Retrograde Transmission


March 2019 Mercury Retrograde Transmission
on Forgiveness, Compassion & Weathering Life’s Storms

۞ BE AT PEACE is a mantra that was given to me from Master Yeshua (Jesus Christ) to assist US ALL through our current March 2019 Mercury Retrograde cycle and as we transition into Spring. Mercury goes into retrograde every few months, however NOT all mercury retrogrades are created equal. This one has been doozy, with the potential for so many miscommunications, “hurtful words” and the projection of unprocessed pain upon one another. This blog post is a Christed Transmission and Wisdom Teaching from Spirit, through Yeshua’s over-lighting love, that I was asked to write during this intense March 2019 Mercury Retrograde cycle. Yeshua told me that this Mercury Retrograde cycle comes with the gift of deepening into the Heart of Forgiveness. (Note: if you are reading this post after Mercury Retrograde, trust the timing is divine, as there is never a WRONG time to dive deeper into the Heart of Forgiveness).

۞ The gift of this particular March 2019 Mercury Retrograde, occurring concurrently with the Spring season of Rebirth (which include archetypal holidays such as Lent and Easter, Passover, etc.) Religious holidays that were created from the archetypal ascension blueprint of rebirth that Master Yeshua (aka Jesus Christ) - and other important Ascended Avatars - established on this planet to assist us in our own Ascension journeys. Every Spring, after the death of Winter, we have the opportunity to be “reborn” in a metaphoric sense within our own lives. It is a cycle that happens each year with the turn of the wheel. This Mercury Retrograde offers us an opportunity to PAUSE, SLOW DOWN and WITNESS the places and spaces in our lives that could use the healing balm of Forgiveness.

Often the place where Forgiveness is most needed is with the relationships in our lives, to the people who have served the roles as “trespassers,” perpetrators, critics, abusers, victimizers, enemies, frenemies within our lives. And when I say relationships, I also mean bringing more self-forgiveness to the relationship with oneself, for “AS WITHIN, SO WITHOUT.” What we are able to forgive within ourselves, so naturally is reflected in what we are able to forgive within others. So how do we step more deeply into the Heart of Forgiveness? It requires remembering that Life will bring many storms into our life and that while we did not create these storms, these storms are here to serve our highest good.

So how do we step more deeply into the Heart of Forgiveness? It requires remembering that Life will bring many storms into our life and that while we did not create these storms, these storms are here to serve our highest good.

۞ During this Mercury Retrograde, we had a wild blizzard pass through the Front Range of Colorado, including Denver. This blizzard created black-out pockets in Denver, it knocked out power lines, grounded and canceled many flights, interfered with the WiFi connectivity and generally wrecked chaos in the way storms tend to do. During this blizzard, it occurred to me I’ve witnessed more storms in my 9 months of life in Colorado (and subsequent travels through the Southwest) than I ever have in my life. This is a reality of of living in the high altitude of Colorado where golden plains meet red mountains meet dusty desert. I have seen snow storms, thunder storms, sleet storms, blizzards, storms that create mudslides, hail storms, wind storms, storms that mix many types of precipitation. Storms that are magical and storms that are destructive. The storms blow in, they do what they will, and then the storms pass, often as quickly as they come.

۞ Life on Planet Earth is filled with storms. It’s just reality. You can argue with it, but it still won’t change the reality of it. There are storms created by Mother Earth herself and then there are all sorts of metaphorical storms that Life** throws our way. There are small storms that blow over quickly - like a minor argument with a friend or coworker, getting a parking ticket, missing a flight, or having an electronic device go haywire during Mercury Retrograde. Then there are big storms that bring life-changing chaos and destruction and may last for years - like chronic illness, facing racism or homophobia at school or work every day, losing a loved one to an untimely death, major financial loss, debt and bankruptcy, divorce, or maybe a combo platter of all of the above and more. Life brings destruction and Life brings creation. It doesn’t matter how good of a “Manifestor” you think you are or what spiritual superstitions you may cling too, Life is going to throw storms your way.

It doesn’t matter how good of a “Manifestor” you think you are or what spiritual superstitions you may cling too, Life is going to throw storms your way.

۞ Have you recently over-heard someone saying, “I’m so High-Vibe I can manifest whatever I want,” or something similar? Modern talk about manifestation has often become “Spiritual Materialism” in disguise. It is the Innocence of the Inner Wounded Child wearing the Mask of a Spiritual Ego, with an endless desire for more without truly being able to receive or be grateful for what it already has. It can be evidence of just wanting to use spirituality to get our material or personal desires met. The thing is, Life** is so much deeper, more intelligent and more complex than just being about superficial spiritual materalism. Please do not get me wrong, it is totally fine to have desires and wants, it is wonderful to think positively and to always want to grow and expand into more.

However, more often then not, the Wounded Inner Child donning the mask of the Spiritual Ego uses the idea of manifestation against oneself. This is less of an issue when life is flowing smoothly, but when we hit points of hardship - the storms of life - this outlook, eg. thinking that you manifested your suffering because something is wrong with with you, your chakras are broken, that you are inherently flawed, you have bad karma, etc. can cause us to double down on the pain we feel. Thinking you manifested the storms in your life, is not true and its not helpful. It is innocent wounded inner child thinking indeed, creating more demons of self-doubt and suffering. Enter the soothing balm and gentle power that comes with embracing the Heart of Forgiveness holding hands with compassion.

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Sometimes one’s best may look really “shitty” to others judging from the outside. We may never know how many storms our brothers or sisters on the path are currently facing or have survived from the past (including past lives). In that same regard, others likely do not know the storms we are facing or have survived!

Plenty of incredibly high vibrational beautiful open-hearted “spiritual” loving people go through periods of adversity and are affected by many storms throughout the course of life. The fundamental truth at the Heart of Forgiveness and Compassion, for Self and Others, is the remembrance that WE are ALL always doing the best we can, in every moment. If we could be doing better, we would. And “better” is a somewhat relative concept based on your current perspective, and if one is viewing life from the Eyes of Ego versus the Eyes of the Soul.

Plenty of incredibly high vibrational beautiful open-hearted “spiritual” loving people go through periods of adversity and are affected by many storms throughout the course of their lives.

۞ Again, you did not create any storms against yourself. Just as we don’t create the rain, snow or the thunder storms that comes from nature, we don’t create the storms and upheavals in our life. Life** knows that sometimes the best way to grow us into the most mature, spiritually radiant, embodied, highest versions of ourselves is to NOT always give us what we want when we think we ought to have it. That would ultimately feed the misguided innocence of the Wounded Inner Child/ Ego and its’ sense of always wanting to be in control and needing to have life go it’s way, OR ELSE.

In that case, Life will often bring us, the “OR ELSE,” to help us grow and unravel these limited belief patterns and conditioning. Storms, dark nights of the soul, loss, death, upheaval, etc are often the very things and tools the ineffably intelligent, loving force of Life** uses to grow us, strengthen us, mature us and shape us into the works of art we were always meant to be. We don’t have to like any of it. We do not have to like the storms of life as they rip apart our lives. But it’s all an invitation to have more faith in Life and faith starts with forgiveness.

۞ One of the Fundamental Truths of Life is that all storms will pass. We will ALL always be evolving into newer, brighter, more mature and expanded versions of ourselves. (Some at a very slow pace and others at lightening speed and it is not our business to judge Divine Timing). Regardless of where we are on the path of Life, another Fundamental Truth of Life is at our core we are, have always been and will always be the the innocent and radiant perfection of Divinity, expressing itself in human form. When we forget that Fundamental Truth, we often feel separate from Life. The most egregious, criminal, dark, destructive acts committed by humans against other humans, animals, the environment, etc., were committed by humans who forgot that they are ONE with Divinity and ONE with Life.** This myth of separation is what we all are ultimately healing and awakening from. I will go so far as to say, it has been the root of all suffering and insanity that we have ever or will ever see playing out all across the planet to various degrees of intensity and darkness, throughout many parallel timelines.

Another fundamental truth of life is at our core we are, have always been and will always be the the innocent and radiant perfection of Divinity, currently expressing itself in human form. At the Heart of Forgiveness, is REMEMBERING that we are all one with all of life and divinity.

۞ At the Heart of Forgiveness and Compassion, is remembering that we are all one with divinity. That’s what Ascension is all about. Remembering that we do not need to die and leave the body to know ourselves as Divinity, but rather Awakening to the fact that we get to live as our Highest Self in the beautiful vehicle of a human body. (This is done in integrative steps). We get to experience the miracle of embodying Divinity in Human Form. We get to experience all the sensual pleasures and the sensual pains, the ups and downs, the rainbow spectrum joy and diversity of life on Planet Earth while also knowing ourselves to be Divine.

The ultimate root of forgiving oneself, is forgiving yourself for ever forgetting yourself to be Divine, to be LOVE, to be light in its purest, most innocent expression. Forgiving yourself for coming to Planet Earth and “falling asleep,” forgiving yourself for being conditioned by your family, society, the collective and taking on all these egoic, unconscious patterns. AS THE BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL LIGHT OF DIVINITY THAT YOU ARE, you came here with so much passion, compassion and joy to heal and feel all of this.

As I like to say to my clients, the healing is in the feeling. Everything that you have the courage to feel and heal, everything you forgive and have compassion for within yourself, you do so for all, for ALL is ONE. You aren’t doing anything WRONG, in fact you are doing everything right. Your soul said yes to this game. In fact, it’s said yes to this game in many parallel incarnations and lifetimes. No matter how much pain or darkness you maybe in right now, if you dig deep enough, you can find the original YES your Soul said to being here NOW.

The ultimate root of forgiving oneself, is forgiving yourself for ever forgetting yourself to be Divine, to be LOVE, to be Light in its purest, most innocent, most radiantly perfect expression.

۞ The forgetting, the suffering, the pain, the periods (lifetimes perhaps) in darkness, the experience and survival of so many storms (literal and metaphoric) followed by the miracle of awakening and remembering the truth of your light, it’s all part of a cosmic plan, the game of life, the dance of divinity. It’s all OK. In fact it is all more than OK, it is MIRACULOUS. No matter what you believe you have done or have not done, no matter where you feel you’ve fallen short, please realize it is all apart of a much bigger cosmic plan. You are playing your part so beautifully and with so much commitment that you have likely forgotten that in truth you are divinity acting as YOU.

Consider this transmission, another invitation to remember who you truly are. From this deeper remembrance, comes true Compassion, where we know ourselves and all others to be the Light of Source, at varying stages of awakening on our own very unique paths. It’s not our business to judge or compare anyone’s path to our own. It is not our business to think we know where anyone else should be by now. That is Life’s business. Everyone is exactly where Life has intended them to be right now in this very moment, including ourselves. From this higher perspective, it’s much easier to embrace the Heart of Forgiveness and the Medicine of Compassion with so much more ease and grace.

And know that as you embrace and embody more Forgiveness and Compassion, you not only become more emotionally free, sovereign and liberated from the myth of separation, your ancestral wounds, collective unconsious and viral conditioning of the past, you serve as a Lightworker, a Love Revolutionary and a Wayshower, helping our Planet to Ascend and helping to co-create this new “Heaven on Earth” Golden Age Paradigm. So from the Cosmic Christ who lives in my Heart to Cosmic Christ who lives in your Heart to the Cosmic Christ who lives in ALL HEARTS, thank you so much for being here now and playing your part!

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Jana Carrey

Jana Carrey Healing, is a virtual therapeutic practice and sacred community space that interweaves a number of ancient, Sacred Feminine healing modalities to guide you back to wholeness + empower you to live as your light.

Jana Carrey Healing serves a global clientele and has a gift for helping humans from diverse backgrounds and ancestral lineages, integrate their spiritual awakenings in an embodied way.

Jana Carrey Healing is founded by Jana Carrey a Divine Feminine Leader, Master Intuitive Healer and Flower Medicine Woman.

As an intuitive channel and spiritual teacher, Jana translates higher consciousness and multidimensional wisdom into practical, grounded guidance that supports your modern life. She is here as an empowering ally and guide by your side, who will meet you exactly where you are on your healing journey, with balanced doses of loving kindness, fierce wisdom, playfulness and witty humor.

Jana is a highly sensitive empath whose psychic gifts include clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance and claircognizance. Although she was born with many intuitive healing gifts, her own deeper spiritual awakening began when she was 19 and lost her younger brother and one of her soul mates, Chris, to terminal bone cancer.

June 2019 Summer Solstice Ascension + Energy Update


January 2019 Ascension + Energy Update