Eclipse Season Thrive Guide + June 2021 Energy Update
“Eclipses are like wormholes of consciousness evolution allowing for individuals and collectives to make quantum leaps in healing, awakening, growth, ascension.”
We officially entered the first eclipse season of 2021 on Wednesday May 26th, 2021 with a Total Lunar Eclipse that coincided with a Blood Moon Flower Moon Full Moon in Sagittarius. This full moon is the largest Supermoon of the year, signifying when the Moon is closest to Earth and especially large and bright.
Astrologically speaking eclipses occur on a Full or New Moon and happen in pairs or in threes. I find it helpful to think of each eclipse as its own portal, with the heightened energy encompassing a couple days around the actual event.
The second eclipse of this spring season will be a Solar Eclipse concurrent with the New Moon in Gemini on June 10th, which falls directly during this next Mercury retrograde, which is happening from May 29 to June 22. This year, similar to 2020, there will be a second eclipse season happening in November and in December of 2021.
When eclipse season coincides with a number a planets in retrograde as is happening during the first eclipse season of 2021, it is an optimal time for slowing down and doing some focused healing, clearing, releasing and purification. It’s not an ideal time for activation manifestation, making major decisions and forging ahead. We’d recommend you wait until after the summer solstice, when Mercury goes direct on June 22nd, when the energies of eclipse season # 1 of 2021 will be more fully integrated.
Currently, we think of Mercury as the planet and archetypal energy for communication, technology and commerce, so that in our current area of e-commerce and global interconnectivity when mercury goes retrograde we can go into the fear based mode of worrying about all the havoc and slow downs it may wreck in our businesses and lives. However, the original symbol for Mercury is of the caduceus (the sign we often associate with modern medicine), showing us that Mercury is also a powerful archetype of the healer and alchemist, having the power to “wake people up.” Thus, a more love-based, elevated perspective on the conjunction of this eclipse portal + mercury retrograde is to suggest that this is a divinely, universally orchestrated time that supports our individual awakening and ascension journeys.
“This eclipse season + mercury retrograde portal is a time where we are being asked to slow down in order to speed up.”
Mercury retrogrades provide us time to slow down in order to reflect, heal and integrate, and if we don’t consciously allow time to slow down, heal and integrate, Mercury will assure we get slowed down in its own sacred trickster way. Eclipse seasons serve to assist us in speeding up our evolution - we are talking in quantum time here NOT linear time - but only if we allow time for the shadow material coming to the light of our conscious awareness to be released.
Anything that gets triggered now, no matter how inconvenient the timing may feel to our ego, is an invitation to slow down and really allow the healing to occur the moment the wound or trigger is activated. This will leave us feeling more emotionally free and empowered along the path to fulfilling our highest evolution and enable us to make our next bold quantum leaps after Mercury goes direct around the summer solstice.
Eclipses also provide necessary cosmic support for shadow work. Shadow work is doing the work of becoming consciously aware of and integrating all the aspects of ourselves that we have “hidden in the shadows” aka repressed, denied, overlooked or rejected because we deemed these parts to be unacceptable and/or unlovable. Shadow work is connected to healing the places in our lives, where we have been most deeply wounded and experienced the greatest trauma, both in our childhood-adolescence and even carrying over from past lives. We can hide what we fear are the ugliest parts of ourselves in the shadows and we can also hide our power and our greatest gifts in the shadows.
If you are new to shadow work it was a phrase developed by psychologist Carl Jung, in many ways a pioneer of depth and archetypal psychology. What Carl Jung re-discovered goes back much further than him.* Shadow work is in fact something that Priestesses, Druid and Druidesses, Shamans, Indigenous + Ancestral Wise Ones, Wisdom Keepers, Mystics, Witches, Healers of Olde, Alchemists, etc. have been doing for lifetimes, many who have been wiped from the halls of recorded history (As they were often persecuted, killed and silenced for shadow work is a form of lightwork that has been deeply misunderstood and feared especially from a Judeo-Christian religious context). Their legacy still lives on beyond the veils and within the living library of the Earth, Gaia herself. You dear reader, like myself, may very well be of these re-incarnated wise ones continuining on with your shadow work in relative safety, especially more so than you were ever able to do in previous lifetimes. One of my favorite modern day Jungian Psychologists is the late Marion Woodman, who was a devotee of Mother Mary and the Black Madonna. From her, I learned how to have a healthy respect and honoring for the divine feminine and the physical body, especially within the context of shadow work.*(Carl Jung, as a white European man who married into a family of considerable wealth, his work was likely afforded more influence due to this position of privilege. This is in no way to denigrate his powerful life’s work, but to acknowledge that “Jungian Psychology” is a body of work that goes well beyond the man Carl Jung himself)…
The beauty of this year’s 2021 eclipse season is that is allowing many to come to a place of completion with a number of the issues that reared their head back in the very intense eclipse season # 1 of 2020. (That was approximately when many countries went into a second phase of COVID-19 lock-down and the time when George Floyd was tragically murdered, helping to bring some very deep collective shadows around institutionalized racism to light. To read more on shadow work in connection with last year’s June 2020 eclipse season, go here. ) In 2021’s eclipse season, many are completing karmic patterns and healing wounds that began as far back as the past 5-7 years or even early childhood and childbirth! Many of us who are on the first wave of Ascension, have been on a rather intensive path of spiritual growth and physical ascension starting around 12/21/12. Of course we all are on our own individual paths, however, many will come to a place of beautiful completion throughout this year ending with this winter solstice 12/21/21. Throughout both eclipse season’s this year there will be a great sense of all your (at times very grueling) inner spiritual + healing work finally starting to pay off and bear fruits not only within yourself, but also reflected to you externally through your perception of the world around you.
10 Tips for thriving during an Eclipse Season:
This tips will help you to feel better during any eclipse season or astrologically intense period on Earth. You can also choose to follow these tips every day, as they will support the ups and downs that can accompany spiritual awakening and physical ascension. The more we awaken, the more sensitive we become and the more important and life changing these 10 steps become!
Slow Down.
Remember that your life is not a race to be won (neither is awakening or ascension) and that no one can fulfill your divine destiny but you. Rome was not built in a day which metaphorically speaking translates to anything that we are meant to create that contributes to your legacy of love on this planet takes time. Return to the breath frequently. When you slow your breathing down, your whole nervous system receives permission to relax. Allow yourself to slow the pace down at which you move throughout your day, as much as you can and ease up on your expectations of yourself, especially if you are healing the wound of perfectionism/ people pleasing or the wound of ”I am not enough”. Instead of trying to do more faster (the old wounded masculine paradigm), remember in the new paradigm that how you do things (the feminine or the being behind the doing) is just as important as what you are doing. When we slow down, we allow ourselves to align with the breath and move at a more sustainable pace, so we can integrate our being with our doing. When we are forced to slow down, either by external forces such as the COVID-19 pandemic or by feeling emotionally or physically unwell on our Ascension journey (which can be exacerbated during eclipse seasons) this helps us to integrate and calibrate with the much slower natural cycles of Earth time. When you give yourself time to just rest, to just be - you are actually giving your body a welcome relief and a chance to catch up on its healing journey.
Simplify + Create Space As Much AS POSSIBLE. 🧘🏿♂️
Simplifying your life can include clearing things off your to-do list and not trying to cram as much into your daily schedule. Give yourself more space between tasks, meetings, appointments.⏱ Build in pauses or moments of “white space” time in your day, in the week, in the month and in the year, this will help your nervous system to relax and your ego to unwind and integrate. Many modern people, who move at the unnatural addictive speed of technology, which is always “on” unless we choose to turn it “off”,” avoid creating space in our lives as it goes against the conditioning of the ego who does not want to unravel or give up control. Simplifying your life can also mean cutting out unnecessary distractions and clutter - this can include everything from decluttering your home/office/garage/storage units and getting rid of excess possessions, to clearing out events in your social calendar that do not feel good, to letting go of relationships that do not serve your highest good and do not feel good to your heart. A great way to do this is…
Everyday take At least one thing OFF your to do list!
This one speaks for itself.
Spend more time in nature.
Another way to allow yourself to feel connected to the Energy of spaciousness and simplicity, is to spend time in nature. Going out in nature is a key, free and easy tool to assist your body with ascension and eclipse season related symptoms. All of nature lives in harmony, including humans. Through the constructs of our mind we can feel seperate from nature and seperate from life itself. When we take time to connect with Mother Earth / Gaia it helps us to remember that this harmony and living in flow with natural cycles and seasons, is in fact our true nature as well.
Get enough rest...
Get more rest and allow yourself to sleep more when you need it. There is so much healing and integration that happens naturally when we bypass the judgements of our minds and allow our bodies more sleep or rest. If you have morning flexibility try not to set an alarm clock and wake up when your body naturally wants to wake up. If that’s not possible during the week, try it on the weekends. Steps 6, 7 and 8 will also help improve the quality of your sleep. For those of you who want to enhance your creativity and/or are still obssesed with productivity hacks, please know that NOTHING improves productivity and creativity better than a good night’s sleep.
Aim to minimize time around EMFs and electronics.⚡️
As much as possible, obviously many of us are connected to technology for work and our livelihoods, but we do not need to be “plugged in” 24-7 to the low grade radiation that these devices emit. By keeping your devices on airplane mode or turning them off when you aren’t using them - and by taking breaks off of technology to spend time in nature, create art, excersize, cook, read a book, etc. - you are giving your body and your nervous system a much needed break from technology overload. Try eating your meals without being on devices to help your body with digestion and to allow your body to go into rest and digest mode. Also, turn the wifi off at night and keep technology out of the bedroom where you sleep, especially at night! This will help your sleep cycles and your body immensely.
Stay nourished 🥗🥙+ hydrated
This could be an entire article all on its own, but by eating regular, nourishing meals and staying hydrated by drinking at least 72 oz of filtered, purified water a day you can help yourself to stay more balanced. Following tip number 8 below will also help you to stay better hydrated and nourished. There are so many tips and rules and guidelines on how to eat out there it can feel crazy-making. We believe eating should be pleasurable, intuitive and focused on eating as organically, sustainably and as close to the Earth as possible, as in in not super processed, not eating GMOS and tons of chemicals, etc. Think eat the rainbow as in rainbow veggies and fruits, not skittles and candy! lol ;)
Limit stimulants
Stimulants include caffeinated beverages (such as coffee, tea, cacao, energy drinks), alcohol, tobacco, sugar, processed foods and chemical additives and even too much technology and bright lights. Stimulants throw your body off its own natural rhythms and when combined with intense energies on the planet, can make your daily life feel like a rollercoaster ride. What goes up, must go down.
Use the emotional and energetic healing support of Flower Essence Therapy
Flower Essences are liquid bio-energetic remedies made from the vibratory essence of living flowers, plants and trees encoded in water. They are a profound yet very safe way to support yourself during the process of ascension. Flower Essence Therapy, also know as Flower Essence Alchemy, supports your holistic healing on all four levels of your being: emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. The aim of flower essence alchemy is to use customized formulas to support you in releasing old limiting beliefs and conditioning so that you can make more empowered choices in all areas of your life. The deeper intention of flower essence alchemy is embodying the highest version of yourself living life fully in the present moment without the shadows aka old familial conditioning, ancestral trauma, viral programming or the wounded parts of yourself running the show. Flower Essence Therapy is a wonderful way to support shadow work. If you are new to working with flower essences therapeutically and at this depth, it is recommended you work with a licensed and trained flower essence therapist or practitioner.
Come home to your body with the healing magic of flower medicine.
The unique way I offer Flower Essence Therapy, interweaves quantum healing with gentle plant medicine so you can feel safe, strong and at home in your body — as you were always meant to live.
10. Book a session with a trusted energy healer, therapist, or alternative health practitioner. ️
Eclipse seasons are a great time to do shadow work, as we talked about above. If you are new to shadow work it is highly recommended you work with a trained and trusted healer, mentor, therapist and/or shaman. This work can be intense, uncomfortable and confronting and doing it with a healing guide you trust and who feels emotionally safe is key to doing this work authentically and without causing further harm to yourself or others. Please choose a professional ally who feels emotionally safe and please do not work with anyone who perpetuates the cycles of shame, guilt, trauma or abuse you may have faced in the past.
Heal your Soul beyond the “limits” of time and space with Quantum Energy Healing
With this service, expand into the quantum field — the invisible web of consciousness and infinite intelligence that unifies all of life — for rapid growth and transformation.
Jana Carrey is Divine Feminine Teacher, an Arcane Wisdom Keeper & a Master Intuitive Healer. Jana is the Founder of Jana Carrey Creativity + Healing: “Ancient Alchemy for Modern Beings,” which fuses together a unique combination of channeled intuitive guidance, quantum energy healing, flower essence therapy, depth psychology & spiritual mentorship.