Spring Equinox 2020 Energy & Earth's Rebirth Ascension Update

Happy Spring Equinox Beloveds!  Spring is a time of rebirth and never has it been more evident from an energetic perspective that all of planet earth and humanity is undergoing a huge collective rebirthing process right now. Earth’s ascension into 5D, is well underway!

Many of us are being slowed down quite literally through coronoavirus quarantine so there is less of a global energetic demand upon her surface. This global “Pause” is allowing Earth to go through the ascension process with more much ease. We are ALL being given an opportunity to hold space for Gaia’s transformation.

What a beautiful way to truly practice Earth Stewardship and support the greatest mother we all share.

How can we as divine beings in human form support Mother Earth’s Rebirth & ascension right now? 

Whether you are just waking up or you already exploring your identity as a Lightworkers, Empaths, Wayshowers, Gridkeepers, Starseeds, Earth Angels, witch, healer, or shaman here are 5 simple tips to make the most of the energy of the Spring Equinox…

sacred Feminine Wisdom:
5 Tips to Enhance your Spring Equinox

1) Connect with and honor Mother Earth everyday in a way that feels joyous and natural to you. If you can get into nature, take a hike, go for a walk or meditate outdoors. You can also connect with the Earth and support your energy field by taking flower, plant and tree essences. Some additional suggestions to honor mother earth are to sing, chant, and play music for her, make earth altars for her either in your home or on the earth using natural items, leave offerings for her and the , the little people, elementals, devas and nature spirits. Send her intentional blessings and prayers of love and gratitude, everyday in a way that feels good to you. The benefit of these practices is that you will not only be supporting mother earth, you will also be helping yourself to feel more safe and at ease during these uncertain times.

2) Ground. Even if you cannot get into nature, you can be inside your home and still practice grounding practices that help connect your body’s energy grid to Mother Earth's energy grid. One of the simplest way to ground, is to sit in meditative silence for a few minutes. During that time you can envision a chord or an energetic tube coming down from your root chakra (tail bone) and into the earth. This tube can be any color or shape that you'd like, feel free to use your imagination. Picture it going down deeply through the many layers of Earth's surface, crust and down into the bright light of the core star at the center of the earth. Boom! Just like that you have connected more fully to mother earth.

3) Eat lighter. Take exceptional and nourishing care of your physical body and as you do, intend that everything you do for your body also supports Earth. Spring is a natural time to lighten up your diet and eat more cleansing foods after a long winter. Eating lots of organic (if possible) greens, veggies, fruits, soups, juices, limiting or all together avoiding processed GMO food, processed sugar, dairy and gluten as well as staying extra hydrated right now also boosts your immunity! If you find you need more rest, naps and sleep right now, take it.

4) Find ways to connect with the frequency of joy even in small ways. When you are connecting with the energy of joy - you not also boost your immunity, you also assist your nervous system as you can’t experience joy and fear at the same time. It’s physiologically impossible. Your JOY feeds Mama Earth immensely, so consider this an invitation and permission slip to ENJOY yourself as much as you can by being in the present moment and trusting that everything will work out in the big picture. Some ways to cultivate joy are to flex your creative muscles - make art, craft, write a poem, play music, garden, journal or play games with pets, your children or your inner children. Make love to your partner whose in quarantine with you or self pleasure. When you tune into your heart you can always connect with the creative genius of your inner child who always has ideas for how to enjoy the game of life more, even when in quaratine...

5) Honor the feminine principles of life, regardless of what gender you identify as! We are literally being given the directive by our governments to "Go Inside and Stay Inside our homes right now." This is a powerful metaphor that translates into the divine directive of going inside your being and connecting with the home of your heart. Use this time to slow down, to rest, to turn inwards, to practice living as a human being rather than a human doing. It doesn’t mean you can’t take action, however Spirit and I invite you to tune into your hearts divine wisdom to discern aligned action coming from love versus action coming from fear or panic, such as panic buying more food and toilet paper than your family needs. For those new to following the feminine wisdom of the heart, the heart often speaks and guides us with more of a feeling based intuitive knowing such as a gut instinct, visions of what to do next or a heart tug - where we feel pulled in a direction without even needing to know why. For the next few weeks, we are ALL globally being asked to place more emphasis on the divine feminine to support Mother Earth and less on masculine, overly mental, linear logical thinking and non-stop compulsive doing that many had been accustomed to as "modern life."

Reclaim your Sacred Feminine power to fulfill your soul’s mission.

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Jana Carrey

Jana Carrey Healing, is a virtual therapeutic practice and sacred community space that interweaves a number of ancient, Sacred Feminine healing modalities to guide you back to wholeness + empower you to live as your light.

Jana Carrey Healing serves a global clientele and has a gift for helping humans from diverse backgrounds and ancestral lineages, integrate their spiritual awakenings in an embodied way.

Jana Carrey Healing is founded by Jana Carrey a Divine Feminine Leader, Master Intuitive Healer and Flower Medicine Woman.

As an intuitive channel and spiritual teacher, Jana translates higher consciousness and multidimensional wisdom into practical, grounded guidance that supports your modern life. She is here as an empowering ally and guide by your side, who will meet you exactly where you are on your healing journey, with balanced doses of loving kindness, fierce wisdom, playfulness and witty humor.

Jana is a highly sensitive empath whose psychic gifts include clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance and claircognizance. Although she was born with many intuitive healing gifts, her own deeper spiritual awakening began when she was 19 and lost her younger brother and one of her soul mates, Chris, to terminal bone cancer.


Flowers: A Poem


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