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Journey to the Golden Quan Yin Temple: A Full Moon for New Earth® Group Healing Ceremony

  • Jana Carrey Healing (map)

Journey to the Golden Quan Yin Temple:

A Full Moon for New Earth® Group Healing
& Ancestral Blessing Ceremony

Join Master Intuitive Healer + Intuitive Channel, Jana Carrey, as she hosts a very special Full Moon for New Earth Ceremony on Saturday February 24th, 2024 @ 5pm PST.

We will gather on the auspicious date of 2/24/24, during the Full Moon in Virgo portal, with the Sun having recently entered the sign of Pisces.

This month’s Full Moon for New Earth® Ceremony (FMNE) is part Ancestral Blessing Ceremony, part Elemental Alchemy Playshop, part quantum energy healing transmission and part multidimensional journey.

During the ceremony, Jana will lead you on a safe multidimensional energy healing journey to a sacred Quan(tum) Yin Goddess Temple where you will bath in the energy of overflowing karuna compassion. An experience that will leave you feeling emotionally reassured and nourished on all levels.

With the gentleness and grace of the Divine Mother herself, we will soothe the sharp edges of self-criticism, judgement and comparing yourself to others with the healing balm of self-compassion and self-forgiveness. And we will explore how the key ingredient to overflowing compassion for the world is mastering the art of self-compassion.

Quan Yin is a Divine Feminine Ascended Master who is renowned across the universe as one embodiment of the Divine Mother - in her most unconditionally compassionate, kind and nurturing form. Quantum Yin is also a Universal Master of the Element of Water, known in its higher dimensional forms as Liquid Light.

Jana (as guided by Quan Yin) will be teaching about the medicinal and alchemical properties of water. In this playshop we will be focused on elemental alchemy for healing the heart, releasing eons of emotional heaviness and transmuting compassion fatigue and grief. A collective grief that so many of us are carrying as we bear witness to our sisters and brothers across the planet suffering at the hands of genocide, unspeakable violence, and other atrocities.

As part of this elemental alchemy playshop we will be calling in and playing with the elements of Earth + Water to support us in grounding our energy, fertilizing our dreams and releasing what no longer serves us in preparation for a Spring Equinox Rebirth.

Lastly, Jana will be guiding the group in an ancestral blessing where you will receive the grace, gratitude and goodwill from ancestors across the veil who love you unconditionally. This blessing is an opportunity for you to feel held by your ancestors and to experience being WITNESSED, HONORED, and RESPECTED as the beautiful light-being and human that you truly are. THIS IS THE WAY OF THE NOURISHED PARADIGM.

We want to be very clear that this FMNE ceremony is NOT about you doing more light-work (or shadow-work) on behalf of your ancestors and your family of origin. We have designed this ancestral blessing to be a sacred space for you to RECEIVE visceral and tangible loving support from your healed, whole + holy ancestors - reaching all the way back to other star systems. Ancestors who have unlimited compassion for you and the courageous path you walk upon this healing Earth as a bringer of the dawn and as a way-shower of a new heart-centered consciousness.

Jana will be bringing through channeled energies for the group and for the Earth, based on what she is guided will serve the highest good of all. Jana’s New Moon and Full Moon for New Earth events are beautifully transformative New Paradigm experiences that are hosted virtually for a global community of lightworkers. They are unlike any other Moon Ceremonies out there - and we invite you to come experience them for yourself.


When: Saturday February 24th, 2024 @ 5 - 7 pm PACIFIC ( 8 - 10 pm EASTERN )

Moon & Stars: Full Moon in Virgo

Where: Jana’s sacred online temple space, via Zoom Webinar

Energetic Investment: $55

When you join this healing ceremonial event, you will receive:

  • A safe, grounded multidimensional journey to a sacred Quan Yin Temple + sanctuary space.

  • 5D Wisdom teachings to help you relate to yourself - and all of humanity - with overflowing karuna compassion, gentleness and kindness.

  • A blessing from your whole + holy ancestors that will allow you to feel deeply held, witnessed, supported and emotionally reassured.

  • A greater understanding of the alchemical + medicinal properties of the elements of water and earth.

  • Quantum Energy Healing, cleansing & integration for your body, chakras & energy field to nourish you on all levels. In this event we are focusing on supporting your emotional body and your heart.

  • Immersion in beautiful divine feminine - balanced with sacred masculine - energy to relax your nervous system & nourish your body, heart, mind and soul.

  • Clear guidance from sacred multidimensional guides + guardians. This month’s healing ceremony is being over-lighted by Divine Feminine Ascended Master Quan(tum) Yin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion.

  • A safe compassionate, therapeutic sanctuary space to release stagnant energies and repressed emotions, RELAX and receive, within the privacy of your own home.

  • Optional time for Q & A where you can get personal 1:1 attention from Jana, sharing + celebrations at the end.

If you have received a private 1:1 channeled session with Jana these gatherings are similarly powerful and healing! Just as those sessions are channeled to uniquely serve what is in a clients highest good, these full moon gatherings will be channeled to uniquely serve the energetics of the group AND Mother Earth. There is always an element of mystery and surrender when invoking divine feminine healing.

Can't make it live?
We've got you covered.

This ceremony is recorded - only Jana is on the video and audio to ensure your privacy - and all who register will receive the replay within 24 hours after the event, whether you make it live or not. Due to the way Jana holds the quantum energy of these events, you will receive *EXACTLY* what you need to receive, whether you can make it live or not.

Everyone who registers will be emailed a replay recording.

After you register you will be emailed a Zoom link, guidance for how to prepare as well as event after care + recordings once the event is over.

This event will be approximately 2 hours long, this includes time at the beginning for intention setting, as well as optional time at the end for celebrations, sharing & Q + A.

Additional time zones start times: 6pm MST / 7pm CST / 8pm EST. Don’t see your timezone, use the handy timezone converter here.


All are welcome regardless of gender identity, age, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religious / spiritual background. Unity in Diversity! If you feel called to come, you are most welcome here.

Just like any other ticketed event, everyone attending must register for their own spot. If you know anyone else who would like to attend live or receive the event recordings, please have them register or contact us separately. Thank you for being in integrity. Due to the sacred container of this event, there are no refunds or exchanges.

Any Questions? Feel free to email us HERE.



An Earthy, alchemical playlist weaving world wisdom to a backdrop of beautiful beats.

Curated by @janacarreyhealing to compliment her Full Moon for New Earth (FMNE) 2/24/24 Playshop

Listen to this full playlist for a sensual shamanic sonic journey before, DURING and after FMNE.

Playlist will be emailed to you upon registration!

The Moth Moon Lagoon:

A divine feminine healing poem
+ an ancestral blessing

I will meet you at the Moth Moon Lagoon.
Situated at the nexus,
of three rivers of light,
we will pause and we will ponder
"From where do they flow?
From the Source? From the sky?
From the Great Eternal “I”?

I will meet you at the Moth Moon Lagoon
Let us drink until the dust settles and our bones are dry no longer.
Let us drink until our ancestors are properly laid to rest and our blood is purified.
Let us drink until our thirst is quenched and our hearts are whole and w-HOLY healed.

I will meet you at the Moth Moon Lagoon
Let us bathe together,
relax a while and unwind our wounds.
Let us scrub each-others’ backs,
and mend our wings with the golden thread.
Let us wash away the protections, the rejections, the projections, the separations and release all the things we still label as “sins.”
Let us honor the wisdom of our tears, of our waters - the liquid light of Gaia - that flows where it most needs to go.

I will meet you at the Moth Moon Lagoon.
Let us remember the ways of the Quantum Yin, as we behold and are held in the darkness of the Divine Mother’s womb.
Let us sing the songs of the Selkies, the Sirens, the Serpents,
we will awaken HER from silent slumber so She can swim freely again.
Let us celebrate that I am you are we are ONE
with the spirals, the cycles, the waters of life.”

- Poem & Art by Jana Carrey © 2020

Kind Words

“Jana’s New Moon for New Earth ceremonial healing gatherings are very profound each time I attend, whether live or listening to the recording. I’ve been attending the gatherings now since fall of 2020 and each month the energy and the experience is so different yet so perfect every time. Jana, the overlighting guides, and the ascended masters are so caring and nurturing that it’s very easy to relax into the experience. I love the option to have the digital recordings of these ceremonies. I have saved every recording, so I can play them over and over as I go to sleep and this helps me integrate and heal on a subconscious level as well. So beautiful!”

- Katie Silkina, FEEL Facilitator + Horse Whisperer, Toronto, Canada


“Jana's New Moon for New Earth ceremonies have become an integral part of my awakening journey, and the uniquely healing nature of each one is truly special. This week, I went back and re-listened to the Mother Gaia Temple. I found it helpful for grounding, as the eclipse season energies of the last week or so have been all over the place. And during my mentorship with Jana, my healing went in directions I truly did not expect. Having spent my career in the masculine, logical, hierarchical world of technology, the truly mysterious feminine healing energies encountered in my mentorship and in participating regularly in Jana’s ceremonies have added a depth to my soul's experience that I wasn't even aware had been missing.”

- Amy Denham, Technology Professional, Fort Wayne, Indiana

About Jana

NEw Paradigm Teacher,
Divine Feminine Mentor
& Master INTUITIVE Healer

“Jana is part psychic vision, part energy support, part compassionate counsel.”

Jana Carrey is the Founder of Jana Carrey Healing: Ancient Alchemy for Modern Women®

Her Soul work weaves together a unique combination of channeled intuitive guidance, quantum energy healing, flower essence therapy, transformational mentorship & embodied educational programming.

Jana serves as a pioneering and revolutionary emissary who is here to support the return of Divine Feminine Consciousness fully to Planet Earth. She has a passion for guiding women to heal their relationship to Gaia and with their bodies at a fundamental and functional level.

As a key part of this greater Planetary Awakening, she supports others in crossing the threshold into the New Paradigm by serving as both a Death Doula to the dying ego and a Mystical Midwife to the rebirthing Soul. She loves helping other humans to live from higher, more loving states of consciousness, in a more embodied, easeful and down-to-earth way.

Jana is the Creatrix of the upcoming Temple of Joy Membership Community that includes New Moon
for New Earth® her monthly group healing ceremony where lightworkers from across the globe gather intentionally during the power of the new moons to seed the energies of the New Earth together.

She has a rare gift for bringing lightness, laughter, and a rebellious sense of humor into the wild journey known as awakening and ascension. You can also connect with her on Instagram, Threads & Facebook: @janacarreyhealing.

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