Return to the Cosmic Mother: A Winter Solstice 2024 Ceremony
Join us for a very special live ceremonial gathering on Saturday 12/21/24 at 5pm PST! As we approach the winter solstice on December 21st, 2024, the darkest and shortest day of the year, we invite you to carve out time to go inwards and connect with the light within.
During this event you will experience the infinite love, gifts and blessings that come with returning to the dark womb of the Cosmic Mother herself. This is an incredibly nourishing, regenerative and replenishing way to prepare for the year ahead.
This event happens virtually so you can join from anywhere in the world. There is simply nothing else on Planet Earth like a sacred ceremony with Jana Carrey Healing. You simply must come experience it for yourself!
Click here to learn more and register

Journey to the Golden Quan Yin Temple: A Full Moon for New Earth® Group Healing Ceremony
Join Master Intuitive Healer, New Paradigm Teacher + Intuitive Channel, Jana Carrey, as she hosts the next Full Moon for New Earth® Group Healing Ceremony on Saturday February 24th, 2024 @ 5pm PST, during the Full Moon in Virgo.
When you join us for this Full Moon for New Earth Ceremony, Jana will lead you on a safe multidimensional energy healing journey to a sacred Quantum Yin Goddess Temple for an experience overflowing with karuna compassion - that is sure to leave you feeling emotionally reassured and soothed on all levels.

Gaian Myths: Weaving Ancient Future Timelines
This global summit features Jana Carrey along with 44+ Visionary Leaders in Earth Based Spirituality, Mythology, Light Workers, Ceremonialists, Channels, and more, who will share ancient-future technologies, heart-based tools, mythic stories and transmissions to aid us in becoming wise-heart warriors in these chaotic times.
By the end of these 5 days you'll have a wealth of knowledge, insights and embodied practices of your multi-dimensional nature rooted in the deep and bountiful soil of Mama Gaia! You will cultivate more certainty of your own precious presence & embodied mission as walking bridge between the celestial and earthly realms.

Journey to the Golden Dragon Temple: A New Moon for New Earth® Group Healing Ceremony
Join Master Intuitive Healer + Intuitive Channel, Jana Carrey, as she hosts the return of New Moon for New Earth for a powerful New Year’s 2024 Prosperity Playshop on Friday January 12th, 2024 @ 5pm PST, during the New Moon in Capricorn. The New Moon for New Earth Ceremonies are an opportunity for us to gather and set intentions for ourselves, for our dreams, for humanity and for the New Earth together in a beautiful global community and so much more!

LEADING WITH LOVE: A New Moon for New Earth® Group Healing Ceremony
The New Moon for New Earth® Group Healing Events return for Leading with Love, a very special New Year’s 2023 Edition on January 21st, 2023 during the New Moon in Aquarius.
Jana will lead the group on a multidimensional quantum journey to sacred Red Tent Healing Temple space for a healing transmission over-lighted by Ascended Masters Mary Magdalene + Yeshua (Jesus Christ).

Re-emergence: A Special Edition New Moon for New Earth Event
New Moon for New Earth returns for a special Eclipse Season 2022 edition on Monday May 30th, 2022 @ 5pm PST // 8pm EST, for the New Moon in Gemini.
The theme of this group healing event is "Re-emergence" and was created to help you navigate the awkward, strange or uncertain transition back into society and community, after life in a pandemic "cocoon."
As such, we will be traveling to a sacred Butterfly Maiden Temple space for a multidimensional healing transmission that will help you to embrace the beauty in life's inevitable changes.
Learn More + Register Here

The Essence of Channeling Workshop: Two Part Live Workshop
An intro to Channeling as a Tangible Tool for Modern Day Mystics + Spiritual Seekers

The Grand Finale New Moon for New Earth Ceremonial Gathering: Journey to the Winter Solstice Temple
The New Moon for New Earth Live Ceremonial Gatherings are an opportunity for us to gather and set intentions for ourselves, for our dreams, for humanity and for the New Earth together in a beautiful global virtual community.
The final New Moon For New Earth (NMNE) Ceremonial Gathering will be on Saturday December 4th at 5pm - 7pm PST // 8pm - 10pm EST, for the New Moon in Sagittarius + Total Solar Eclipse.
Jana and the EL have created a beautiful and healing sacred ceremonial space (through the container of Zoom) to allow you to integrate the energies of 2021, release what is no longer serving you and prepare for 2022 in a way that is filled with beauty and grace.
Learn More + Register Here

New Moon for New Earth: Journey to the Rose Priestess Temple
The New Moon for New Earth Live Ceremonial Gatherings are an opportunity for us to gather and set intentions for ourselves, for our dreams, for humanity and for the New Earth together in a beautiful global virtual community.
The next New Moon For New Earth (NMNE) ceremonial gathering will be on Friday November 5th at 5pm PST / 8pm EST, for the New Moon in Scorpio.
The theme for this New Moon event is Unconditional Love.
We will be going on a multidimensional journey to a Ancient Magdalene Rose Priestess Lineage Temple to receive Cosmic Rose Light Lineage Template activations and so much more….
Learn More + Register Here

Healing the Inner Critic: Divine Feminine Workshop
Fall is a time for releasing what no longer serves us and allowing outdated patterns to fall away, like a tree releases her autumnal leaves.
As the days become shorter and the nights become longer, as we approach the cusp of Scorpio Season and Samhain, this is the perfect time for embracing shadow work and learning how traversing your own personal underworld can help you reclaim more of your true divine feminine power.
Healing the Inner Critic is a sacred 2.5 hour workshop happening on Sunday 10/24 at 3pm PST / 6pm EST, taught by Jana and co-created with the unconditional love + Goddess wisdom of Persephone, Demeter and Hecate representing the Triple Goddess Archetypes of Maiden, Mother and Crone.
This event is part shadow-work workshop, part multidimensional journey, part ceremonial ritual, part quantum group healing session and will serve as opportunity to learn more about and go deeper with the specific wisdom that each one of these Ancient Greek Goddesses has to offer, in a way that is relevant to modern life in 2021 and to the current divine feminine cycle we find ourselves in.
Learn More + Register Here

New Moon for New Earth: Journey to the Fairy Realms
The New Moon for New Earth Ceremonial Gatherings are an opportunity for us to gather and set intentions for ourselves, for our dreams, for humanity and for the New Earth together in a beautiful global virtual community.
The next New Moon For New Earth gathering will be on Wednesday October 6th, 2021 @ 6pm PST / 9pm EST, for the New Moon in Libra. We will be doing a special ritual + experiential writing exercise for finding and cultivating greater life balance.
This event will include healing + nourishing channeled energetic transmissions to help you live in more balance and harmony with the elements, seasons and cycles of Mother Earth. You will learn how to walk more lightly on the Earth with the support + wisdom of a number of elementals including the fairies, divas, flower angels and nature spirits.
Learn More + Register Here

Full Moon for New Earth Ceremonial Gathering: Journey to the Ancient Malta Goddess Temple
This sacred two hour event was designed to be Part 2 of the Lions Gate Portal Moon Events and we will be journeying to a sacred Goddess Temple on the island of Malta in the Mediterranean Sea, temples that are deeply connected to Sirius Star System and Golden Atlantis.Come on a multidimensional journey to one of the most Ancient Goddess temples - that still exists on Earth! - to activate the sacred jewel of your heart!
Learn More + Register Here

New Moon for New Earth Ceremonial Gathering: Journey to the Lions Gate Portal Temple
The New Moon for New Earth Live Ceremonial Gatherings are an opportunity for us to gather for healing, clearings and activations provided by Jana + the EL. During these events we come together to set intentions for ourselves, for our dreams, for humanity and for the New Earth together in a beautiful global virtual community.
The next New Moon For New Earth gathering will be on Sunday August 8th, 2021 @ 5pm PST / 8pm EST, for the Lions Gate Portal + New Moon in Leo. This live ceremonial gathering is Part 1 of the Lions Gate Portal Moon Events.
This is very special New Moon Event + Lions Gate Portal Event. 8/8 is the apex of the Lions Gate Portal and is a very powerful and auspicious astrological date and as such we will be traveling to a sacred Lions Gate Portal temple space in Ancient Egypt, connected to the Sirius Star System and Golden Atlantis.
Come on a multidimensional journey to one of the most sacred sites on Earth during one of the most powerful + auspicious days of the year!
Learn More + Register Here

New Moon for New Earth: Journey to the Angelic Realms
The New Moon for New Earth Live Ceremonial Gatherings are an opportunity for us to gather and set intentions for ourselves, for our dreams, for humanity and for the New Earth together in a beautiful global virtual community.
The next New Moon For New Earth gathering will be on Thursday June 10th, 2021 @ 5pm PST / 8pm EST, for the New Moon in Gemini + Solar Eclipse.
This is very special New Moon Event + Eclipse Season 2021 Integration Playshop. This is a very powerful and auspicious astrological date and as such we will be traveling to a sacred Temple space in the Angelic Realms, which some of you will feel like going home and connecting with true Soul Family.
Come meet some of your angelic guides and receive angelic healing for those beautiful etheric wings of yours!
Learn More + Register Here

New Moon for New Earth: Journey to the Mother Gaia Temple
Join as we celebrate our one year anniversary of NMNE on the evening of Tuesday May 11th, 2021 for the New Moon in Taurus. This month we are journeying to a Mother Gaia Temple and our over-lighting guides will be the the Earth Mother herself + Archangel Sandalphon. This event will also include a Root Chakra + Earth Star Chakra healing, clearing and 5D activation with Archangel Sandalphon and Mother Gaia.
Click here to learn more and register

New Moon for New Earth: Journey to the Hathor Star Nations Temple
The New Moon for New Earth Live Ceremonial Gatherings are an opportunity for us to gather and set intentions for ourselves, for our dreams, for humanity and for the New Earth together in a global community of lightworkers, healers, wayshowers and beautiful humans.
The next NMNE gathering will be on the evening of Sunday April 11th, 2021 for the New Moon in Aries. As we do every month, we will be going on a multidimensional journey to a sacred temple space to receive a healing transmission from Jana + the EL. This month we will be journey to a very sacred Hathor Star Nations Temple to connect in with the Divine Feminine Ascended Master Hathor and the Ascended Civilization Collective Consciousness known as the Hathor Star Nations. Hathor is deeply connected to the star Sirius B, of the Sirius Star System. The Hathor Star Nations are masters of sound, sonic and vibrational healing and this New Moon for New Earth gathering will be like a cosmic celestial soundbath, to help clear densities from your energy bodies from life on the Earth plane.
Click here to learn more and register

The New Moon for New Earth Ceremonial Gathering: Journey to The Vesica Piscis Temple
The New Moon for New Earth Live Ceremonial Gatherings are an opportunity for us to gather and set intentions for ourselves, for our dreams, for humanity and for the New Earth together in a beautiful global community of lightworkers.
The next NMNE gathering will be on the evening of March 13th 2021 for the New Moon in Pisces. As we do every month, we will be going on a multidimensional journey to a sacred temple space to receive a healing transmission from Jana + the EL. This month we are journeying to The Vesica Piscis Temple and our over-lighting guides will be Yeshua (Jesus Christ) + Mary Magdalene. Together they will provide us with a very special teaching transmission around Sacred Union partnership and prepare our energy fields for the Spring Equinox portal.
Click Here to Learn More + Register

New Moon for New Earth Presents: The Alchemy of Pleasure
A very special New Moon for New Earth Live Ceremonial Gathering & Valentines Day Multidimensional Playshop!
This event will include playful and lively wisdom teachings and channeled energetic transmissions about pleasure from a 5D perspective! Themes we will explore include: pleasure, play, spiritual pleasure, sensuality, sacred sexuality, worshiping the temple of our bodies and more!
Friday 2/12/21 @ 5 - 7pm PST

The Cosmic Mother Returns: A Winter 2020 Soulstice Gathering
Join us for a very special live ceremonial gathering on Sunday 12/20 at 5pm PST! On the darkest and shortest day of the year, together we will celebrate the winter solstice and prepare for the Great Conjunction the rare astrological event happening on 12/21/20. By carving out time to go inwards, we will receive gifts and blessings from returning to the dark womb of the Cosmic Mother herself. This will not only assist us all in nourishing ourselves for the year ahead, but within this sacred embrace of the Divine Mother, we will have more comfort and compassion with which to leave behind what no longer serves us and dare to dream ourselves into new ways of being.
Click here to learn more and register

New Moon for New Earth Ceremonial Gathering: Journey to the Star Mother Temple
The “New Moon for New Earth” ceremonial gatherings are an opportunity for us to gather together intentionally during the power of the new moons and seed the energies of the New Earth together (virtually). Join us on Sunday December 13th, 2020 @ 7pm PST during the New Moon in Sagittarius + Total Solar Eclipse Portal. We will be going on a multidimensional journey to a Mother Mary “Star Mother” Temple + connecting with the unconditionally loving energies of the Pleiades. This will be a very powerful and sacred gathering as we lead up to the 12/21 winter solstice gateway. You won’t want to miss it!
Click here to learn more and register

New Moon for New Earth Ceremonial Gathering: Journey to the Mary Magdalene Temple
The “New Moon for New Earth” ceremonial gatherings are an opportunity for us to gather together intentionally during the power of the new moons and seed the energies of the New Earth together (virtually). Join us on Saturday November 14th, 2020 @ 7pm PST during the New Moon in Scorpio. We will be going on a multidimensional journey to a Sacred Mary Magdalene Temple for some potent womb, heart + throat healing activations. This will be a very powerful and sacred gathering as well as an opportunity to integrate and ground the high frequency energies of the November 11th, 11/11 portal! You won’t want to miss it!
Click here to learn more and register

The Foundations of Intuitive Channeling: 4-Part Masterclass Series!
Join Master Intuitive Healer & Divine Feminine Oracular Channel, Jana Carrey, for a fun and wisdom filled introductory course on developing your jedi-skills as an Intuitive Channel. In this 4-part Masterclass series, Jana will share practical tools for opening your own channel to receive the wisdom of your Higher Self and your Spiritual Guides, in a safe and grounded way, as well as simple tips for refining your intuition and much more!
Click here to learn more and register

New Moon for New Earth Ceremonial Gathering: Journey to the Golden Quan Yin Temple
The “New Moon for New Earth” ceremonial gatherings are an opportunity for us to gather together intentionally during the power of the new moons and seed the energies of the new earth together (virtually). The next ceremonial gathering is Friday 10/16/20 for the SUPER New Moon in Libra! Join us as we journey to a Golden Quan Yin Temple. Jana will be bringing through channeled energies for the group and for the Earth, based on what she is guided will serve the highest good of all.
Click Here to Learn More & Register

New Class on Intuitive Channeling!
Join Master Intuitive Healer & Divine Feminine Oracular Channel, Jana Carrey, for a fun and lively introductory class on how intuitive channeling is the most advanced form of communication that exists on the planet right now. In this class Jana will share practical tools for opening your own channel to receive the wisdom of your Higher Self and your Spiritual Guides, in a safe and grounded way, as well as simple tips for refining your intuition. Class is held in partnership with the Saged App.
Click here to learn more and register!

New Moon for New Earth Ceremonial Gathering: Journey to the Mystical Isle of Avalon
The “New Moon for New Earth” ceremonial gatherings are an opportunity for us to gather together intentionally during the power of the new moons and seed the energies and dreams of the new earth together (virtually). The next ceremonial gathering will be on Friday 9/18/20 for the New Moon in Virgo where we will be journeying to the sacred Isle of Avalon. Jana will be bringing through channeled energies for the group and for the Earth, based on what she is guided will serve the highest good of all

New Moon for New Earth Ceremonial Gathering: Isis Stargate Temple
The Next New Moon For New Earth Live Ceremonial Gathering is On Tuesday August 18, 2020 @ 7pm PST on the New Moon in Leo. We will be going on a Multidimensional Journey to an Isis-Hathor Light Lineage Temple in Ancient Egypt, to Receive Potent Ascension Activations Connected to the 8/8 Lions Gate Portal + the Sirius Star System.

New Moon for New Earth Ceremonial Gathering: Aphrodite Temple
The “New Moon for New Earth” ceremonial gatherings are an opportunity for us to gather together intentionally during the power of the new moons and seed the energies and dreams of the new earth together (virtually). The next ceremonial gathering will be on Sunday 7/19/20 for the New Moon in Cancer where we will be journeying to a sacred temple of Aphrodite to receive deep divine feminine nourishment from beautiful ocean elementals as well as the Goddess of Love, Beauty & Pleasure herself! Jana will be bringing through channeled energies for the group and for the Earth, based on what she is guided will serve the highest good of all.
Each new moon will be a unique sacred gathering in a virtual ceremonial temple space, Jana will be lovestreaming to you live on the Zoom webinar platform. Each month we will have profoundly loving, multidimensional and beautiful Spirit Guides over-lighting each call and time for 30 minutes of optional sharing and Q & A at the end!

New Moon for New Earth Ceremonial Gathering: May 22, 2020
New Moon for New Earth Ceremonial Gathering
Journey to the Heart of Lemuria
The “New Moon for New Earth” ceremonial gatherings are an opportunity for us to gather together intentionally during the power of the new moons and seed the energies and dreams of the new earth together. The first inaugural ceremonial gathering will be on Friday 5/22/20 for the New Moon in Gemini! Each new moon will be a unique sacred gathering in a virtual ceremonial temple space. Jana will be bringing through channeled energies for the group and for the earth, based on what she is guided will serve the highest good of all. We will have special “Council of Light” Spirit Guides over-lighting each call and time for 30 minutes of optional sharing and Q & A at the end!
Energetic Exchange: $44
What is this gathering all about?
This is a one and half hour (1.5 hours) live, virtual ceremonial gathering held on the Zoom Webinar platform. The first hour you will be guided through a deeply supportive meditation and energy healing journey where Jana will be channeling guidance and healing from Source and a number of powerfully loving Spirit Guides, followed by 30-minutes of sharing and a brief Q &A period to ask Jana questions via a chat box.
This is not a “process” oriented new moon circle nor is it a sharing circle, Jana will not be talking about astrology except perhaps at a very high, overview level if guided. These gatherings are for your body and your heart (and to help quiet the mind who is often overworked and underloved). Your only job is to show up and receive the nourishing energies that Jana is channeling. If you are tired and want to stay in the nourishing energies after the one hour meditation, you can leave the call after Jana is done channeling and before the sharing / Q & A portion. Jana will announce this transition for ease for all.
When you Listen to the replay of this ceremonial gathering, you will receive:
Quantum Energy Healing, cleansing & protection for your body, chakras & energy field to release what is not serving you
Immersion in deep feminine energy to relax your nervous system & nourish you
Clear guidance from sacred guides such as the EL, goddesses, angels, ascended masters, star beings & / or spirit animals
A safe compassionate sanctuary to release pent up or repressed emotions
Optional: time for you to share & ask questions via chat box in a safe space
If you have received a private session with Jana this will be similar to the energy healing and container setting she does at the beginning of all her sessions. Just as those sessions are channeled to uniquely serve what is in a clients highest good, these new moon gatherings will be channeled to uniquely serve the energetics of the group AND Mother Earth.
There is always an element of mystery and surrender when invoking divine feminine healing. Depending on your level of sensitivity, you may experience energetic sensations or tingles, receive flashes of light or color, feel energies shifting in your body, release repressed emotions or even get tired and fall asleep. (It is ok to fall asleep on these calls - trust your subconscious is still listening). Please know, there is no right or wrong way to participate and receive the energies of these calls.
Why should I come?
Jana, in co-creation with Source & her Council of Light, the “EL”, hold beautiful, safe and sacred energetic containers for each one of these gatherings. Jana & the EL together are multidimensional curators of divine feminine healing spaces where you can receive energetic support from the 5th dimension and beyond. These gatherings are / were created specifically to help nourish you during these uncertain and intense times, as many are feeling depleted and exhausted now. Come replenish your body, your nervous system and the yin / the divine feminine essence within you! (Regardless of gender.) As you continue to heal, regenerate and nourish yourself, you literally embody these energies for all on planet earth as well as planet earth herself. We are not here to co-create the New Earth from a place of exhaustion and overwhelm. One nourishing ceremonial gathering at a time we will be shifting paradigms from suffering to sovereignity! Win Win Win.
For all our empath and energetically sensitive friends we have heard your prayers! These ceremonial gatherings were created with you in heart & mind! If you have joined other calls or other new moon or process/sharing circles either virtually or in person and left feeling like you have taken on other peoples energies, please know this will not be the case here! These gatherings maybe unique to anything you have experienced before and the intention is all around allowing everyone to receive energetic nourishment!
Fatigued? Tired of technology? Not to worry!
You are in the right place if experiencing any kind of fatigue including Zoom or technology fatigue! As mentioned above, these ceremonial gatherings are all about nourishing YOU and the energy Jana channels on behalf of Source over-rides /neutralizes EMF and technologically draining energetic waves. (5D Consciousness is more powerful than 5G waves!) Feel free to watch and listen, or just lay down and listen. We won't be able to see your face, so you can come in your pj’s and if you fall asleep during these calls, that is perfectly ok.
About Jana
Jana Carrey is a lightworker, a master intuitive healer and a divine feminine teacher. Her work is a unique blend of intuitively channeled guidance, quantum energy healing, flower essence therapy, plant spirit medicine, depth psychology and spiritual mentorship.
She is a highly sensitive empath whose psychic gifts include clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance and claircognizance. Although she was born with many intuitive healing gifts, her own deeper spiritual awakening began when she was 19 and lost her younger brother and twin flame, Chris, to terminal bone cancer.
Jana has a rare gift for bringing lightness, courage, compassion and a rebellious sense of humor into the darkest arenas of human suffering and in doing so, she helps others to alchemize their soul wounds into spiritual gold and creative gifts that in turn can serve others. She has and continues to serve hundreds of clients globally.

Earth Day Wisdom Gathering
Earth Day Wisdom Gathering
Presented by SHEVOLVE + Jana Carrey Healing
Join an Invocation for Mother Earth
With guest speakers Jana Carrey, Mira Michelle, Natha Campanella, Leticia Ring & Amber Vandermeer
Wednesday, April 22, 2020 7:00 PM PDT
What does the evening entail?
Let's gather together and honour Mother Earth with an evening of wisdom sharing and invocation.
Opening address and panel introductions (our panelists come from around the world all with something very special to share)
An Invocation to Mother Earth and Meditation led by Jana Carrey, Master Intuitive Healer & Mentor who specializes in Feminine Empowerment through intuitively channeled guidance, quantum energy healing & flower essence therapy
A Shamanic look at Mother Earth and grounding talk with Mira Michelle: a Medicine Woman, spiritual teacher and Founder of the Sacred Female Rising Institute
A talk on the therapeutic benefits of Nature with Forest Therapy Guide Amber Vandermeer
A discussion on Cyclical Living and how earth and her cycles also mirror the cycles of us as human beings led by Leticia Ringe: A cyclical living coach who helps women understand the cycles of mother earth and their own menstrual magic to create a harmonious life.
An Astrological discussion on the earth as we enter into Taurus season by Astrologist Natha Campanella
A Closing Meditation with Jana Carrey
Final words by SHEVOLVE Founder, Meghan Zuvelek: Meghan is the Founder of SHEVOLVE driven by the mission to help women around the world awaken to their inner essence and step into their power.
The event will be 1.5-2 hrs long. Those who register but cannot attend will be emailed the replay.