Jana Carrey Healing Presents:
“Demystifying” Intuitive Channeling:
Advanced Communication for the New Paradigm.
Photo Credit: In Her Image Photography
Intuitive channeling is a hot topic right now! There are ever increasing ways that channeled information is coming onto the planet including written, spoken, tonal, musical and artistic form. Maybe you have read a book that was written by an author who “channels” Universal wisdom or maybe you watch "energy updates" on YouTube by a healer who “channels” advanced spiritual masters and have wondered, “what does being a channel even mean?” “Is this information even real? Can I trust it?”
In these current times of rapid spiritual awakening and ascension, it is time that channeling no longer remains shrouded in mystery to all except an elite few. When practiced in a grounded and contained way, channeling is a very legitimate form of higher communication, that we all have access to within our divine DNA.
Join Master Intuitive Healer & Divine Feminine Oracular Channel, Jana Carrey, for a fun and lively introductory class on how intuitive channeling is the most advanced form of communication that exists on the planet right now. In this class Jana will share practical tools for opening your own channel to receive the wisdom of your Higher Self and your Spiritual Guides, in a safe and grounded way, as well as simple tips for refining your intuition.
for Jana’s Foundational Workshop on Channeling Go HEre:
In this introductory class we cover the following topics about Intuitive Channeling.
1) What is channeling? How is it the most advanced form of communication available right now?
2) Is it even real?! How to practice discernment around what is legitimate channeled information such as when to trust new paradigm “channeled information” over old paradigm “news channels.”
3) Are you already a channel but do not know it? Can anyone be a channel?
4) Practical tools to refine your intuition / intuitive guidance system and become a clearer channel
5) The importance of being grounded and creating healthy boundaries in order to protect the integrity of what you are channeling
6) Channeling through your Higher Self versus becoming a “Trance Channel”
7) How channeling is connected to both the Planetary Awakening + Ascension as well as Divine Feminine + Goddess reclamation movement sweeping the planet right now.