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New Moon for New Earth: Journey to the Mother Gaia Temple

New Moon for New Earth Presents:

Journey to the Mother Gaia Temple

The New Moon for New Earth Live Ceremonial Gatherings are an opportunity for us to gather and set intentions for ourselves, for our dreams, for humanity and for the New Earth together in a global community of lightworkers, healers, wayshowers and beautiful humans.

The next NMNE gathering will be on the evening of Tuesday May 11th, 2021 for the New Moon in Taurus. In light of Mother’s Day we will be very much honoring the Divine Mother, the Earth Mother and all our earthly mothers! This is a VERY SPECIAL new moon for new earth gathering as we celebrate the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of these sacred new moon events 🎉 (May 11th is also my mom Karen's birthday! So much to celebrate.)

If you can't make it live, not to worry, you will still be entered in the giveaway when you register and everyone receives a replay recording within 24 hours after this event, whether they can make it live or not.

This month we are journeying to a Mother Gaia Temple and our over-lighting guides will be the Great Goddess Lady Gaia (the Earth Mother herself) + Archangel Sandalphon, there may be some surprise guests as well. This Mother Earth transmission will provide us with a very special teaching transmission around "rooting down to rise up," embodiment, proper Earth Stewardship and more!

This event will also include a Root Chakra + Earth Star Chakra healing, clearing and an activation (to bring your chakras online in 5D) with Archangel Sandalphon, which will help support you in feeling more at home on the Earth, more at home and safe in your body, tapping into the true abundance of Mother Earth (versus living in scarcity consciousness), with issues around belonging and creating nourishing community and more!

Beings of all genders/ gender identities, religious/spiritual backgrounds, sexual orientations and ages / life stages are invited!

Energy exchange: $44

What is this gathering all about?

This live, virtual ceremonial gathering is now available for purchase as a recording. The first hour you will be guided through a deeply supportive meditation and energy healing journey where Jana will be channeling guidance and healing from Source and a number of powerfully loving Spirit Guides, followed by time for haring and a brief Q & A period to ask Jana questions via a chat box.

These gatherings are for your heart, mind, body and soul! Your only job is to show up and receive the nourishing energies that Jana is channeling.

Kind Words about Events with Jana:

  • “Thanks so much for last night Jana. Beautiful experience. I’ve had so many MM synchronicities in the last few months and surrounding your New Moon event.” - Meghan Z., Founder of the SHEVOLVE Collective + Sisterhood

  • Thank YOU!!!! So happy I found out about your event through Shevolve. I am usually giving and facilitating moon ceremonies so it was a lovely time to RECEIVE! I was conscious for first half of meditation then woke up at 10:20pm MT to my computer on sleep. Such powerful sacral and womb activations!!!! Thank you, goddess.” - Michelle, Founder of the SISTARhood

  • "This was so powerful. I loved the teaching element and how it linked in directly with the activation.  I feel so honoured to mentor with Isis in a bigger way now and the Worthiness piece was such a great reminder of how lack of gets in the way still. I am so blown away by how multi dimensional the whole experience was. Feel so blessed to have participated.  So grateful you are offering this now. I miss working with you and feel so much gratitude to access you in this way."- Dheepa Nedungat

What to expect?

When you join this ceremonial gathering, you will receive:

  • Quantum Energy Healing, cleansing & integration for your body, chakras & energy field to nourish you on all levels + release what is not serving you

  • Activations to help you transition from the 7 (3D - third dimensional) chakra system to the 12 (5D fifth dimensional) chakra system, this month we are focusing on the Root + Earth Star chakra.

  • Immersion in beautiful divine feminine (often balanced with divine masculine) energy to relax your nervous system & nourish your body, heart, mind and soul

  • Clear guidance from sacred multidimensional guides + guardians such as the EL, goddesses, gods, archangels, ascended masters, elementals and more!

  • A safe compassionate, therapeutic sanctuary space to release pent up or repressed emotions, be deeply nourished and/or catch up on much needed rest in the privacy of your own home

  • Optional: time for you to share & ask questions in a safe space

If you have received a private 1:1 channeled session with Jana these gatherings are similarly powerful and healing ! Just as those sessions are channeled to uniquely serve what is in a clients highest good, these new moon gatherings will be channeled to uniquely serve the energetics of the group AND Mother Earth. There is always an element of mystery and surrender when invoking divine feminine healing.

Depending on your level of sensitivity, you may experience energetic sensations or tingles, receive flashes of light or color, feel energies shifting in your body, release repressed emotions or even get tired and fall asleep. (It is ok to fall asleep on these calls - your subconscious mind and Soul are still listening and sometimes sleeping is the best way to receive the energy). Please know, there is no right or wrong way to participate and receive the energies of these calls.

About Jana, your Host + Guide:

Jana is a master intuitive healer, arcane wisdom keeper and a divine feminine oracular teacher. Her work is a unique blend of intuitively channeled guidance, quantum energy healing, flower essence therapy, plant spirit medicine, depth psychology and spiritual mentorship.

She is a highly sensitive empath whose psychic gifts include clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance and claircognizance. Although she was born with many intuitive healing gifts, her own deeper spiritual awakening began when she was 19 and lost her younger brother and twin flame, Chris, to terminal bone cancer. 

April 11

New Moon for New Earth: Journey to the Hathor Star Nations Temple

June 10

New Moon for New Earth: Journey to the Angelic Realms