July 2019 Eclipse Season + Mercury Retrograde Energy Update

Original Art by Jana Carrey (c) 2019

This years' major Eclipse Season began on the Summer Solstice, June 21st and goes until Saturday July 27th, encompassing two eclipses, the first is a New Moon in Nurturing, Emotional Cancer / Solar Eclipse that fell on Tuesday July 2nd and the second is a Full Moon in Grounded, Practical Capricorn/ Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday July 16th. However, the powerful eclipse energies and intense spikes in the Schumann Resonance will continue on until approximately Sunday August 11th, three days after the Lions Gate (8/8) Portal on Thursday, August 8th. For those of you who are new to the Schumann resonances (SR) are global electromagnetic resonances or spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. They are generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere as Earth goes through her own Ascension journey. Those of us who are on the first wave of Ascension and are energetically sensitive will feel the affects of the rapidly changing SR more so than others.

To add to the healing, catalyzing (and likely triggering) potential of this eclipse portal, Mercury went retrograde on Sunday July 7th (the 7/7 gateway) and will not go direct until the New Moon in Vibrant, Expressive Leo on Wednesday, July 31st 2019. Currently, we think of Mercury as the planet and archetypal energy for communication, technology and commerce, so that in our current area of e-commerce and global interconnectivity when mercury goes retrograde we can go into the fear based mode of worrying about all the havoc and slow downs it may wreck in our businesses and lives. However, the original symbol for Mercury is of the caduceus (the sign we often associate with modern medicine), showing us that Mercury is also a powerful archetype of the healer and alchemist, having the power to “wake people up.” Thus, a more love-based, elevated perspective on the conjunction of this eclipse portal / mercury retrograde is to suggest that this is a divinely, universally orchestrated time that supports our individual awakening and ascension journeys.

This eclipse and mercury retrograde portal is a time where we are being asked to slow down in order to speed up.

Mercury retrogrades provide us time to slow down in order to reflect, heal and integrate (and if we don’t consciously allow time to slow down, heal and integrate, Mercury will assure we get slowed down). Eclipse seasons serve to assist us in speeding up our evolution (we are talking in quantum time here NOT linear time) but only if we allow time for the shadow material coming to the light of our conscious awareness to be released. Anything that gets triggered now, no matter how inconvenient the timing may feel to our ego, is an invitation to slow down and really allow the healing to occur the moment the wound or trigger is activated. This will leave us feeling more emotionally free and empowered along the path to fulfilling our highest evolution and enable us to make our next bold quantum leaps after Mercury goes direct / eclipse season ends later this summer.

What is Ascension? Is it the same thing as Awakening?

Original Art by Jana Carrey (c) 2019

Awakening and Ascension go hand in hand. There are many levels of Awakening within the Ascension journey. We have likely already had lifetimes where we lived on Planet Earth (such Egypt, Lemuria, Atlantis) or other Star Systems (such as Sirius, Arcturus, the Pleiades) as awake, aware and fully conscious beings. The truth is that many of us were already born as spiritually awake and consciously aware Beings of Light & Love, then we were conditioned by our families / societies and we “fell back asleep.”

What are we awakening too?

We are awakening to the truth of our divine nature, essentially that we are God / Goddess / Source dressed up in human form. As we awaken, we help to shift the consciousness of the entire planet, making it easier for all of humanity to eventually “wake up.” THIS IS A HUGE UNDERTAKING of which your own individual journey matters deeply and this is part of what it means to be a Lightworker and a Wayshower (which you ARE and reading this energetically encoded post is confirmation of that.) Of course we go through various levels and layers of awakening to greater cosmic truths about our divine origin, that we then need to then integrate and embody, both within this life and throughout all our lifetimes.

Ascension is the greater journey of transitioning from living life in the third dimension/3D to living life in the fifth dimension/5D. It is truly a very exciting time on Planet Earth, and whether we remember it or not, many of us as Advanced Souls were very eager to be here NOW on Planet Earth to be apart of this very exciting time of planetary change. All of Planet Earth is Ascending and everybody is making this journey on their own time, not all will ascend during this physical lifetime and that is ok. The journey to 5D/unity consciousness is incredibly diverse and unique for us all. Spirit says that it is very important to bring more awareness of the Ascension journey as so many people are very confused and afraid about WTF is going on the world. So much of what looks like the world is falling apart is actually Ascension. Wayshowers like myself are now tasked with speaking up even more to assist and guide others through this process (even as we go through it ourselves! Talk about Mastery!) Everything that existed as part of the old paradigm and 3D ways of life (based on the myth of Seperation from Source, polarity consciousness, fear, greed, patriarchy etc.) are breaking down so that we can all exist and co-create a 5D world together (based on unity consciousness and connection/co-creation as and with Source, love, and the sacred union between the divine feminine and divine masculine- the two polarities that live within us all). 4D is the transitional state between 3 and 5D.

3D, 4D and 5D are not actually places but are vibratory states of consciousness.

It is important to note and to clear up many misunderstandings that we do not actually GO anywhere else when we Ascend. We do not magically get beamed up to a different planet or get taken aboard the mothership back to another star system. This is not about spiritual bypassing or transcending being human, this journey is about being Divine while in Human form.

Come home to your body with the healing magic of flower medicine.

The way I offer Flower Essence Therapy, interweaves quantum healing with gentle plant medicine so you can feel safe, strong and at home in your body — as you were always meant to live.

Flower Essence Therapy is a highly recommended form of support during eclipse seasons and other energetically intense times in your life.

There are two ways to receive Flower Medicine with Jana, through both the Flower Medicine Journey and a single Flower Essence Therapy session.

How Might Ascension affect me this Summer and beyond?

It is likely you already are or will get "energetically whammied" and/or emotionally triggered by all the light codes, spikes in the Schumann Resonance and Ascension energies flooding the planet can leave us feeling completely out of sorts at some point during the summer and beyond. (Eclipse seasons generally happen twice per year, so over time you’ll learn how to care for yourself through these powerful portals)

How do you know if you are being affected by all these potent ascension energies?

You will likely feel:

  • exhausted, foggy and groggy. Like your brain does not work properly.

  • sick & unwell with many rotating or changing symptoms including waves of heat or the chills, bodily shakes, headaches, aches and pains, lymph swelling or edema, bloating and gas or weird patterns in your elimination. It may feel like you have the flu - what I like to call Ascension Flu. Your body is essentially in a deep process of detoxing out 3-D viral programming, old paradigm social conditioning, outdated belief systems, ancestral karma, etc. to make space for embodying the light of your Higher Self / soul 5-D.

  • incredibly emotional - like you are on an emotional rollercoaster - perhaps joyous and blissed out one moment and then feeling despair and hopeless the next - what I like to call Ascension Bipolar as your brain is learning to balance the polarities of the left (masucline) and right (feminine) hemisphere of your brain. The emotional rollercoaster may also look like the “trigger train” where your life may feel like a minefield of “trigger bombs” which although uncomfortable are rapid fire ways of clearing 3-D programming, like in b) above.

  • heavy, empty, confused, depressed, void and in a space of “I don’t know.”

  • You may experience a combo platter of some or all of the symptoms mentioned above.

What do you do if you are feeling energetically whammied and emotionally triggered?

First remember that there is nothing wrong with you and nothing wrong with your body. ALL IS WELL. This entire planetary Ascension journey is being orchestrated by the intelligence of the Universe / God / Divinity / Source. This includes your individual physical ascension journey, which is unique to you and will not look or feel like anyone else’s journey. Your own Higher Self sets the pace of your Ascension journey along with the Divine Will of Source, so please remember that everything occurs in Divine Right Time, not a minute too soon or too late. (Of course if you suspect you do have a condition or illness that warranties medical attention - definitely trust your own knowing and seek support).

Here are some key things you can do during times when you are being energetically whammied by your Ascension journey:

1) Slow Down. Remember that your life is not a race to be won (neither is awakening or ascension, if you are reading this newsletter/post than you are already so far ahead of the mainstream curve anyways) and that no one can fulfill your divine destiny but you. Remind yourself that Rome was not built in a day which metaphorically speaking translates to anything that we are meant to create that contributes to your legacy of love on this planet takes time. Return to the breath frequently. When you slow your breathing down, your whole nervous system receives permission to relax. Allow yourself to slow the pace down at which you move throughout your day, as much as you can and ease up on your expectations of yourself, especially if you are healing the wound of Perfectionism / Never Enough / Over-Achiever Lightworker Syndrome like I am. Instead of trying to do more faster (the old wounded masculine paradigm), remember in the new paradigm that how you do things (the feminine or the being behind the doing) is just as important as what you are doing (the masculine). When we slow down, we allow ourselves to align with the breath and move at a more sustainable pace. Get more rest and allow yourself to sleep more when you need it. There is so much healing and integration that happens naturally when we bypass the judgements of our minds and allow our bodies more sleep or rest.

2) Simplify & Create Space. This goes hand in hand with slowing down. Simplifying your life can include clearing things off your to-do list and not trying to cram as much into your daily schedule. Build in pauses or moments of “white space” time in your day, in the week, in the month and in the year this will help your nervous system to relax and your ego to unwind and integrate (which may be why you resist creating space - it goes against the conditioning of the ego who does not want to give up control). Time where you can just rest, just be in silence is ideal. Simplifying your life can also mean cutting out unnecessary distractions and clutter - this can include everything from decluttering your home/ closet and getting rid of excess possessions, to clearing out events in your social calendar that do not feel good, to letting go of relationships that do not serve your highest good and do not feel good to your heart. Another way to allow yourself to feel connected to the Energy of spaciousness and simplicity, is to spend time in Nature. Connecting with Nature is a key, free and easy tool to assist your body with Ascension.

3) Take life one step at a time. When you are energetically whammied you will likely feel overwhelmed and your mind race on into the future worrying, will I always feel this craptastic or crazy? No this wave of ascension energy will pass and you will integrate it like the BADASS Master you are.  Bring yourself back into the present. Remember there is no need to "figure your life out" ahead of time. Honestly, what would be the fun in that? In stark contrast to the old paradigm 3-D way of doing life (with its "five year plans" and its need to always know the right answer) life in 5D is all about cocreation with the Universe and with Life. Its about trusting more deeply in the divine perfection and timing of Life. (Which will likely not align with the wants and demands of our human conditioning /minds and ego and very often our ego is able to integrate and we mature when we don't get our way). Life will show you what you need to do, ONE STEP AT A TIME. Your job is just to get clear on the very next step and to take that step. Then the next step will be shown to you, just like following the trail of cosmic breadcrumbs out of the proverbial forest. And if even figuring out that next step feels confusing and you feel stuck for many days in a row, I invite you to read more about my Eclipse Essence Alchemy Promotion down below.

4) Use the emotional and energetic supportof Flower Essence Therapy. Many people have never worked intentionally and therapeutically with flower essences before. Working with a certified and trained flower essence therapist provides a deeper and more personal level of emotional support and transformational healing than just going to the store and taking “Rescue Remedy” when you feel stressed.

Flower essence therapy facilitates changes that could take years with more traditional talk therapies alone. Flower Essence Therapy supports your holistic healing on all four levels of your being: emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. The deeper intention of flower essence therapy is embodying the highest version of yourself, living life fully in the present moment without old conditioning or the wounded parts of yourself running the show. 

Flower Essence Therapy with me (Jana) interweaves quantum healing with gentle plant medicine so you can feel safe, strong and at home in your body — as you were always meant to live. This modality is highly recommended form of support during eclipse seasons and other energetically intense times in your life.

I’ve helped thousands of people on their awakening and ascension journeys. Through flower essence therapy, my clients have cured addictions, healed chronic pain, cleared anxiety and depression and achieved greater health and balance emotionally, mentally and physically. This therapy's possibilities are as limitless as life itself, and I can't wait to see what it does for you.

Don’t forget to sign up for The Jana CArrey Healing newsletter below!

Jana Carrey

Jana Carrey Healing, is a virtual therapeutic practice and sacred community space that interweaves a number of ancient, Sacred Feminine healing modalities to guide you back to wholeness + empower you to live as your light.

Jana Carrey Healing serves a global clientele and has a gift for helping humans from diverse backgrounds and ancestral lineages, integrate their spiritual awakenings in an embodied way.

Jana Carrey Healing is founded by Jana Carrey a Divine Feminine Leader, Master Intuitive Healer and Flower Medicine Woman.

As an intuitive channel and spiritual teacher, Jana translates higher consciousness and multidimensional wisdom into practical, grounded guidance that supports your modern life. She is here as an empowering ally and guide by your side, who will meet you exactly where you are on your healing journey, with balanced doses of loving kindness, fierce wisdom, playfulness and witty humor.

Jana is a highly sensitive empath whose psychic gifts include clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance and claircognizance. Although she was born with many intuitive healing gifts, her own deeper spiritual awakening began when she was 19 and lost her younger brother and one of her soul mates, Chris, to terminal bone cancer.


Lions Gate Portal Energy Update: How Flower Essences Help you Activate Your DNA


June 2019 Summer Solstice Ascension + Energy Update