Lions Gate Portal Energy Update: How Flower Essences Help you Activate Your DNA

The Lions Gate Portal opened in mid July and closes on August 12th, which is the official end of this year's eclipse season. The epicenter of this portal is Thursday 8/8. On this date (every year) there is unique astrological alignment of the Sirius Star System with Orion's belt, the Great Central Sun, Our Solar Systems’ Sun, Earth and the Great Pyramid of Giza. The Ancient Egyptians were deeply connected to the Ascended Starsystem & Civilization of Sirius. In fact the Great Pyramids were all built on powerful Earth Energy Vortexes to be conduits and portals of energy connecting Earth and the Key Star Systems, they were literal stargates. (8/8 STARGATE ACTIVATE!)

The Lion's Gate Portal helps assist humanity into our next phase, aka 5D unity consciousness. This process is also called Ascension (I talk about Awakening versus Ascension in more detail in here) and its important to remember that it is a vibratory shift in consciousness. You can be anywhere on Planet Earth and Ascend. In this new Heaven-on-Earth Paradigm (5D) life is centered on unconditional love = oneness. We are freed from the yo-yo-ing back in forth between polarity or duality (light versus dark, evil vs. good) which was a key part of the learning curve in 3D and 4D. In 5D, there is no competition, no hiding, no playing small, no hierarchies. We are all required and delight in sharing our light for the benefit of all sentient beings.

The Sirians are wise, ascended older brothers and sisters of Light and they are here to guide us NOW during Earth’s Ascension. Divine Feminine Ascended Master Isis, Hathor and Green Tara all are Sirians. The Lions Gate Portal helps us all to embody the Leonine traits of courage, strength and unapologetic self expression. It is #LEOSEASON, after all. You can also call upon the beautiful white Lions of Sirius to support you in shining like the star that you are during this portal and moving forward. Connecting with Sirius and these beautiful Sirian Guides is much easier on and around 8/8 as the veils are much thinner.

As we close out the eclipse portal, this is a powerful time to let go of anything that is not serving our highest and best evolution, whether that’s toxic relationships, healing old trauma, or releasing the habits that block us from realizing our true life's purpose and shining our light in every moment of our lives.

To make the most of 8/8 Stargate, I’ve created the Lions Gate Portal Ascension Bundle

This bundle combines three of my most popular group healing events for a total of six hours of channeled material, including:

  1. Journey to the Goddess Isis Stargate Temple

  2. Journey to the Lions Gate Goddess Temple 

  3. Journey to the Ancient Malta Goddess Temple

Go on a three-part multidimensional healing retreat from your own home!

Although you can purchase and listen to each recording individually, they were designed to work together. The effects are much more powerful when they compound upon each other.

Available Now as an Instant Download

What is Flower Essence Therapy?
How does it help YOU with Awakening & Ascension?

Flower Essence Therapy supports your holistic healing on all four levels of your being: emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. The aim of flower essence alchemy is to use customized formulas (ideally made by a licensed practitioner such as myself) to support you in releasing old limiting beliefs and conditioning so that you can make more empowered choices in all areas of your life. The deeper intention of flower essence alchemy is embodying the highest version of yourself (your Higher Self) living life fully in the present moment without old familial conditioning, ancestral trauma, viral programming or the wounded parts of yourself running the show.

The KEY to flower essences is that they help you to come more fully into your body and thus support the Awakening and Ascension process. Modern day Ascension is not about ESCAPING the body or leaving the body. Modern day Ascension involves continually upgrading and purifying the body so that we are able to embody our Higher Selves. Another way to think of this is that the Soul lives in the body and is primarily running the show, versus the ego.

Ascension requires us to hold more LIGHT in our cells and activates our divine genome. Part of Ascension involves going from carbon-based 2 strand DNA to crystalline 12-strand DNA. All of our bodies / lightbodies are getting activated, healed, purged and purified in this process - mental, emotional, physical and beyond. All of our lifetimes are merging into one zero point field, which means we have the opportunity to heal NOT only the wounds of this lifetime but all of our parallel lives. This can be really challenging at times especially for the physical body and can cause all sorts of bizarre, uncomfortable mental, emotional, physical symptoms which make you feel like you are dying or going crazy at times.

Cutting edge research is coming out showing that plant medicine (including flower essences) helps us reconfigure our DNA to the new 12-strand crystalline model. The deeper I go with flower essence alchemy, the more I am shown how the flowers and plants hold evolutionary ascension codes in their DNA that help us activate our DNA. Remember, Mother Earth is Ascending alongside us, which includes the plants, crystal gems and the flowers. Mother Earth gave us our bodies and she is continually sending us all guidance about how to integrate all the light codes flooding onto the planet.

Flower Essence Therapy is an invaluable tool for awakening and ascension especially during energetically activating times like this weeks powerful Lions Gate Portal. Flower essences are PURE MAGICK and they make the process of awakening and ascension so much easier, no matter where you are on your journey. I have witnessed countless clients, loved ones and friends benefit from flower essence alchemy support. Flower essence therapy is a gentle yet potent form of botanical, vibrational medicine that you can easily integrate into your daily routine and your busy modern life. (Flower essences can be made from flowers, crystals, plants and trees).

Flower essences are much easier on your body than more intense or psychedelic forms of plant medicine (like Ayahuasca) that can often be much more difficult to integrate especially if you are already energetically sensitive and / or suffering from what I like to call “Lightworker Fatigue” and have blown out adrenals. One reason I love flower essences and stand behind them so whole-heartedly is because they have helped me and my clients to transform our lives but in a way that never leaves me or my clients ungrounded and exhausted. I even create essences for clients who have done a lot of spiritual work - in retreats or at festivals like Burning Man - and are having trouble integrating and grounding all that spiritual power into their modern, daily lives.

There is no need to journey to an ashram in India or visit a shaman in Peru to receive the transformational benefits of the potent plant spirit medicine that is Flower Essence Therapy. However, sometimes the ego overlooks the simple tools and approaches that are right in front of us including the medicine of the abundant number of plants and flowers that surround us and our homes. REMEMBER, Mother Earth loves us so much and she is supporting us in an abundant number of ways.

I'll leave you with the words of one of my beautiful, wise mentorship clients has realized from working more deeply with flower essence alchemy, "Most of humankind is just now beginning to realize how everything we need to awaken and ascend are lovingly held in the plants, flowers, rocks, crystals, and hum of the earth." I could not agree more! If you feel the call to work more deeply with flower essence therapy, now is the perfect time.

Come home to your body with the healing magic of flower medicine.

Flower Essence Therapy with Jana interweaves quantum healing with gentle plant medicine so you can feel safe, strong and at home in your body — as you were always meant to live.

These modalities are a highly recommended form of support during the Lions Gate Portal and other energetically intense times in your life.

Before you go sign up for my energetically encoded & empowering newsletter below!

Jana Carrey

Jana Carrey Healing, is a virtual therapeutic practice and sacred community space that interweaves a number of ancient, Sacred Feminine healing modalities to guide you back to wholeness + empower you to live as your light.

Jana Carrey Healing serves a global clientele and has a gift for helping humans from diverse backgrounds and ancestral lineages, integrate their spiritual awakenings in an embodied way.

Jana Carrey Healing is founded by Jana Carrey a Divine Feminine Leader, Master Intuitive Healer and Flower Medicine Woman.

As an intuitive channel and spiritual teacher, Jana translates higher consciousness and multidimensional wisdom into practical, grounded guidance that supports your modern life. She is here as an empowering ally and guide by your side, who will meet you exactly where you are on your healing journey, with balanced doses of loving kindness, fierce wisdom, playfulness and witty humor.

Jana is a highly sensitive empath whose psychic gifts include clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance and claircognizance. Although she was born with many intuitive healing gifts, her own deeper spiritual awakening began when she was 19 and lost her younger brother and one of her soul mates, Chris, to terminal bone cancer.

The Divine Feminine Art of Flower Essence Therapy: Emotional Healing 101 (Part 1)


July 2019 Eclipse Season + Mercury Retrograde Energy Update