The Divine Feminine Art of Flower Essence Therapy: Emotional Healing 101 (Part 1)

An Introduction to Flower Essences:

One of the Most Powerful Emotional Healing Tools ON THE PLANET

Flower essences are liquid, bio-energetic remedies derived from living flowers. Flower essences are made by encoding the energetic imprint of a flower or plant in water. Flower essences are encoded with the universal healing intelligence of the plant spirits themselves, which helps humans to heal emotional and energetic blockages in the seven major chakras or “energy centers” of the body.

Flower essences are an ancient healing modality that was commonly used in advanced societies such as Lemuria and Atlantis. They have also been used for centuries in many indigenous cultures for healing, ritualistic ceremony and spiritual development.

More recently, Flower Essence Therapy was re-introduced into modern Western culture in the early 1900s by a British physician, bacteriologist and homeopath named Dr. Edward Bach. You may be familiar with the “Bach Remedies” or perhaps have taken “Rescue Remedy” for stress without realizing that these were flower essences! There are some beautiful modern apothecaries and companies that have built upon Bach’s legacy, by making high vibration flower essence lines, working in alignment with Mother Earth and the elementals. Some of these companies are also deeply commited to flower essence research and efficacy. Usually flower essences are made in ritual or shamanic ceremony, with working directly with the "essence" or soul of the plant.

Flower Essences are a completely safe and sustainable form of natural plant medicine. There are generally no contraindications in taking them. They can be used alongside any other medications, herbs or supplements you are taking. They are gentle enough to be used with babies, children, pregnant and nursing women, the elderly and aging, as well as those who are chronically ill. You can even use flower essences to support your pets, house plants and your garden! Basically, any living thing can benefit from flower essences. Flower essences come in small dropper bottles, often as a single essence or as a combination formula that you take under the tongue, similar to herbal tinctures. They can also be applied directly to the skin, used in a spray or added to bath water.

Each Flower Essence offers the wisdom of what a particular flower has learned in its evolutionary journey here on earth, which has become encoded in the plants' DNA over lifetimes. Remember, flowers and plants are living beings that have been on the Earth long before humans evolved. Thus, there is a flower or plant that has successfully tackled just about every problem that people confront during our lifetimes. Just as every human or animal has a unique soul or “divine essence,” every flower, plant and tree also has a unique “divine essence.” When you take a flower essence, you are connecting directly with the intelligence of that flower. Making flower essences a beautiful way to receive the abundant wisdom and divine feminine healing energy of Mother Earth (Gaia).

Flower essences are most commonly made from flowers, however they are also made non-flowering plants, as well as trees, crystals and other elementals. Each type, category or classification of plant has its specialty for what it helps us to heal. As a brief overview, trees are generally very grounding and help with root chakra issues such as feeling safe, belonging in groups and releasing fear. Crystal gem essences are generally used for helping to heal physical issues in the body and often correlate with specific organs. Flower essences are one of the most powerful tools on the planet for healing emotional issues. For example, roses are aligned with healing, soothing and opening the heart, daises are aligned with empowering the solar plexus chakra and bolstering our self-confidence, and lilies are often used for healing betrayal and abuse from the sacral chakra (which I write about in part two of this series).

 To clear up a common misunderstanding, flower essences are NOT essential oils. Essential oils are made from processing the physical plant matter themselves, while flower essences are made using the energetic imprint of the flower in water. Although you can combine essential oils and flower essences in a room spray or a bath, it is not advised to store flower essences next to essential oils, as flower essences can become tainted by the essential oil.

Come home to your body with the healing magic of flower medicine.

I’ve helped thousands of people on their awakening and ascension journeys. Through flower essence therapy, my clients have cured addictions, healed chronic pain, cleared anxiety and depression and achieved greater health and balance emotionally, mentally and physically. This therapy's possibilities are as limitless as life itself, and I can't wait to see what it does for you.

Flower Essence Alchemy: The Therapeutic Approach to Working with Flower Essences

When you begin to work with a trained and certified practitioner, with the intention to use flower essences to heal, that is called flower essence therapy or alchemy. Flower Essence Alchemy sessions support your holistic healing on all four levels of your being: emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. As soon as you begin taking flower essences therapeutically, your body and being receives the wisdom and intelligence from a combination of flowers and plants that help you to heal deep seated beliefs, unhealthy patterns and emotional wounds that were often imprinted in childhood, in utero or even a past life! Often these patterns or younger, wounded parts of oneself are still “in charge” or limiting what you are capable of well into adulthood. The aim of flower essence alchemy is to support you in releasing these old limiting beliefs and unhealthy emotional patterns so that you can make more empowered choices in all areas of your life. The deeper intention of flower essence alchemy is total emotional freedom and to assist you embodying the highest version of yourself, living life fully in the present moment.

Generally, a flower essence practitioner will make you customized essences based on certain themes that you are working to heal. Although many flower essences provide immediate results, for healing childhood imprints and deeper patterns, it is recommended to work with a flower essence therapist for at least 3 months, with 1 – 2 sessions per month as these deeper imprints often heal and clear in layers, much like peeling the layers off of an onion. It is encouraging to note that combining flower essences with therapy often works much faster and more sustainably than traditional forms of talk therapy, coaching or counseling on its own.

Flower Essence Alchemy can support you with:

·  Establishing healthier boundaries

·  Getting to the root of “mood disorders” such as depression

·   Developing psychic & spiritual gifts

·  Bringing more ease and clarity to life transitions and changes

·  Trusting your intuition & connecting with spiritual guides

·  Clearing familial, ancestral and karmic patterns

·  Improving menstrual cycles & hormonal health

·  Healing from pervasive physical conditions such as autoimmunity, chronic pain and fatigue

·  Healing from trauma, PTSD and abuse

· Making clearer and more empowered decisions

· Decreasing anxiety and daily overwhelm

·  Improving the quality of relationships

·  Grounding and protecting your energy

·  Ending self-destructive habits and addictions

And so much more… Currently, cutting edge research is being done on how flower essences help us reconfigure our DNA and activate our divine genome, making flower essences invaluable tools for clearing ancestral karma, awakening and ascension!

To learn how Flower Essence Therapy can help you to heal your womb and the second chakra, read Part 2 of this series here.

Flower Essence Therapy

This service interweaves quantum healing with gentle plant medicine so you can feel safe, strong and at home in your body — as you were always meant to live.

To get the most out of this modality, Jana created the Flower Medicine Journey - so that you could be held in a compassionate and nonjudgmental container while you experience the life enhancement of flower essence therapy. 

During this three-month journey, we will focus on the patterns, imbalances, illnesses and conditions that are most of concern to you — be they emotional, mental, physical or spiritual.

If you feel called to heal radically and to fully blossom in your own life, this is the pathway for you.

Book a discovery call today as the first step in starting your journey.

Don’t forget to sign up for my energetically encoded & empowering monthly newsletter below!

Jana Carrey

Jana Carrey Healing, is a virtual therapeutic practice and sacred community space that interweaves a number of ancient, Sacred Feminine healing modalities to guide you back to wholeness + empower you to live as your light.

Jana Carrey Healing serves a global clientele and has a gift for helping humans from diverse backgrounds and ancestral lineages, integrate their spiritual awakenings in an embodied way.

Jana Carrey Healing is founded by Jana Carrey a Divine Feminine Leader, Master Intuitive Healer and Flower Medicine Woman.

As an intuitive channel and spiritual teacher, Jana translates higher consciousness and multidimensional wisdom into practical, grounded guidance that supports your modern life. She is here as an empowering ally and guide by your side, who will meet you exactly where you are on your healing journey, with balanced doses of loving kindness, fierce wisdom, playfulness and witty humor.

Jana is a highly sensitive empath whose psychic gifts include clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance and claircognizance. Although she was born with many intuitive healing gifts, her own deeper spiritual awakening began when she was 19 and lost her younger brother and one of her soul mates, Chris, to terminal bone cancer.

The Divine Feminine Art of Flower Essence Therapy: Womb Healing (Part 2)


Lions Gate Portal Energy Update: How Flower Essences Help you Activate Your DNA