Upleveling isn't always sexy
Upleveling isn't always sexy: Guidance on living an authentic, creative life
“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”
I’m really feeling the truth of this now, as I allow both external and internal structures to fall away (quite literally) this late autumn to make space for the new creative babies, projects, partnerships that wants to be born and co-created in 2022 and beyond.
I am being guided - so very wisely from within - to leave behind some things that I was deeply attached to for a sense of security and comfort in my business and in my life, lest these things become anchors dragging me down or barriers holding me back from expanding.
I have gone through some pretty major energetic upgrades and shifts this year, especialy during the 8/8 Lions Gate Portal and it’s happening now again for me during this 11/11 portal + winter 2021 eclipse season.
I’m upleveling and quantum leaping again.
Perhaps you are too?
Upleveling can be tossed around like such a sexy “buzz” word. Right?
However, what I’ve found to be the honest, unsexy truth is that while the growth-rebirth-upleveling -quantum leaping process is something my SOUL loves to do, that for my humanness, my body and my ego - the process often feels uncomfortably messy, painful, scary, vulnerable, confusing and RAW ❤️🔥
It’s full of surrender, faith and trust - things that are a practice for life. I don’t know if we ever *fully* master them. (And thinking we can probably misses the whole point).
“The process of upleveling + expansion is like like being a hermit crab whose outgrown her old shell of a home and feels quite vulnerable as she searches the wide expanse of the windy shorelines for her new larger shell of a home. ”
And it simultaneously it can feel like being turned around from the path we were walking on and realizing that what felt like our inner guidance was asking us to go backwards, is actually our inner guidance leading us away from a tired, over-worn dusty trail to a much more enriching, verdant, flowery yet totally UNKNOWN new path. And the UNKNOWN can be - often is - daunting to the ego + the mind, enter old sea map filled with drawings of wild creatures and warnings of "There be dragons, yonder!"
There are times in life to actively create and there are times in life when we need to dismantle and release our creations, so that what once was full of life and excitement, but that has completed its' life cycle can be properly laid to rest before it stagnates and drags your energy down, down, down.
We can become attached to what used to work like a security blanket or like a too small "shell-home" or an overly worn out path. Choose the analogy and metaphor that most lands for you.
Living an authentic and creative life, means being honest about releasing what no longer is filled with life so that *thing* (a relationship, a business partnership, an offering, a home, a way of thinking or behaving, etc.) doesn’t become your prison, your cage, your own upper limiting glass ceiling.
You are worth so much more than a half-hearted "meh" life.
In order to move forward into new life, it’s so important to release one’s own creations back into the void to be re-sourced. And as we complete this dynamic eclipse 2021 season, as we head into the solstice (winter up North, summer down South), as we close out 2021, this is a such a beautiful time to put this releasing + upleveing into practice.
It’s not always easy to do, but it always reaps tremendous rewards.
With love,
Jana xo
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About Jana:
Jana is a lightworker, a master intuitive healer, arcane wisdom keeper and a divine feminine oracular teacher and a multidimensional mentor + guide. Her work is a unique blend of intuitively channeled guidance, quantum energy healing, flower essence therapy, plant spirit medicine, depth psychology and spiritual mentorship.
She is a highly sensitive empath whose psychic gifts include clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance and claircognizance. Although she was born with many intuitive healing gifts, her own deeper spiritual awakening and remembrance began when she was 19 and lost her younger brother and twin flame, Chris, to terminal bone cancer.