"Dear Goddess: Help Me Channel this Sacred Rage!"

March 2022 Energy Update + Sacred Prayer

This prayer came to me from a place very deep within my feminine soul as a tangible tool to assist myself and all those it is meant to serve during these incendiary times.

I LOVE a powerful prayer to the Goddess. It’s currently one of my favorite prayers that I’ve channeled.

It’s a really good one and trust me, it’s got A LOT of divine power and intention within it.

I’m using it in deep communion with the Divine Mother and the Goddess.

This week, I have been saying this prayer daily (at times hourly or more) and feeling it shift my consciousness in a way that feels like an uplifting, empowering, cellular baptism.

When I say this prayer I feel the unconditionally loving support of Every. Single. Goddess that lives within me and without me:

Isis, Kali, Sekhmet, Quan Yin, Ishtar, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, all these beautiful hearts + hands of the Divine Ma herself.

Please know these Soul Guardians are here for you too, all you have to do is ask for help through the powerful spiritual technology of prayer!

When we start a prayer with “Help me” it clues the Goddess in so that She knows how She can serve you! The Goddess adores serving us especially with requests from the heart. However, the Goddess honors your free will and that means you have to offer up what you don’t know how to do on your own and ask for help.

You can substitute Goddess for Divinity, Source, Spirit, God, Universe, etc. - whatever term you like to use. I like to pray to the Goddess and the Divine Mother because it feels so deeply personal that way to me. And if another form of support is needed, from the Angelic Realms, the Galactic Council or from the Divine Masculine Soul Guardians, we assure that you that the Goddess will send that too!

“Dear Goddess, help me channel this sacred rage in a way that serves + benefits all sentient beings”

There is so much collective anger arising all across this Earth, within all innocent hearts, to be felt and healed, after all the healing is in the feeling.

This anger that so many are experiencing now is sacred rage. To call it sacred, consecrates the emotion as fiery fuel for radical change and that enables ALL to reclaim their power as sovereign beings of light.

Another wave of sacred rage has been unleashed by Russia’s unprovoked and insane attack on the Ukraine.

It is sacred rage and heartbreak that will help us all to usher out the old, unhealthy ways: the unconsciousness of the patriarchy and the toxic masculine paradigm.*

When enraged by witnessing the violence, greed, fear-based power mongering, actions driven by personal agendas only, and a very unequal distribution of wealth + resources across the globe, use this prayer.

When you are DONE internalizing and taking on other people’s unconscious, narcissistic, childish, abusive, wounded, unconscionable (fill-in-the-blank) behavior and projections as your own, use this prayer.

A very important aside, dear lightworker it’s not you! The time is now to use fierce discernment and no longer take anyone’s garbage on as your own. Say namaste + walk away, let them do their own inner work and use this prayer.

When you are worried that the anger you feel will cause you to behave in reactionary ways and hurt yourself or others, when you feel overwhelmed by empathic despair and wild emotions, when you judge yourself for having really BIG feels about the injustice going on this world, when you are afraid to speak your aligned truth, when you shy away from being as powerful as you truly are…

“Dear Goddess, help me channel this sacred rage in a way that serves + benefits all sentient beings”

Use this prayer, use this prayer, use this prayer, use this prayer!

You can also substitute anything you are feeling in place of sacred rage in this prayer. “ Dear Goddess, help me channel this sacred grief, love, heartbreak, abundance, creativity, sadness, joy (etc.) in a way that serves + benefits all sentient beings.

Lastly, a mantra can be a prayer and a prayer can be a mantra. 100%. Forget the superstitious rules! Mantras + prayers are both vehicles for awakening greater consciousness and invoking greater assistance from and with the divine. And we always need all the divine assistance that’s available to us. All day. Every day.

Please channel any sacred emotion you feel - whether personal or collective - into creative avenues that serves the highest good of all. And if you don’t know how or what that looks like yet, trust me you will in divine time. A prayer to be of service + benefit to the greater good NEVER, EVER goes unanswered.

The world needs us all as vehicles of awakening and radical transformation. As the powerful play-ers and pray-ers that we have always been and that we were always destined to be.

Reclaim your Sacred Feminine power to fulfill your soul’s mission.

This unique, in-depth mentorship with me and key Goddesses leads you into the next stage of your heroic life journey. Experience magical synchronicities and life-changing transformation as you learn to alchemize the holiness within your humanity and live as your light.

To learn more about my signature 1:1 private Divine Feminine Mentorship program, click the button below.

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Jana Carrey

Jana Carrey Healing, is a virtual therapeutic practice and sacred community space that interweaves a number of ancient, Sacred Feminine healing modalities to guide you back to wholeness + empower you to live as your light.

Jana Carrey Healing serves a global clientele and has a gift for helping humans from diverse backgrounds and ancestral lineages, integrate their spiritual awakenings in an embodied way.

Jana Carrey Healing is founded by Jana Carrey a Divine Feminine Leader, Master Intuitive Healer and Flower Medicine Woman.

As an intuitive channel and spiritual teacher, Jana translates higher consciousness and multidimensional wisdom into practical, grounded guidance that supports your modern life. She is here as an empowering ally and guide by your side, who will meet you exactly where you are on your healing journey, with balanced doses of loving kindness, fierce wisdom, playfulness and witty humor.

Jana is a highly sensitive empath whose psychic gifts include clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance and claircognizance. Although she was born with many intuitive healing gifts, her own deeper spiritual awakening began when she was 19 and lost her younger brother and one of her soul mates, Chris, to terminal bone cancer.


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